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"I understand if something happened lately dear," Professor Sprout spoke in front of me.

I was frozen, looking down at my test that was laid down in front of me, already marked.

"I'll leave you to it then darling." She walked off and sat down at her table, looking at me through all the plants.

My eyes were wide open, confused, and shocked. The mark on my test froze my heart. How?

Without any words, I grabbed my bag and stormed off, with the Herbology test in my one hand, above three other tests from other subjects. I rushed into the Great Hall, where Astoria, Blaise, Draco and Mattheo sat, doing homework. I threw my bag onto the ground and sighed loudly.

"I studied for hours!" I said frustrated while falling down onto the seat. "And for this?!" I threw my legs over the seat and slammed my papers down on the table.

Confused Mattheo took the papers after I lifted my hand and examined what could have been wrong. He raised an eyebrow, before looking back at me and lowering the paper.

"I barely had any sleep, just to study for Herbology" my voice sounded drenched as I dropped my head to the table, while holding my hands on my lap.

"A B-?" Mattheo asked confused. He continued scrolling through the tests, impressed by all the other marks.

"Aah!" I cried, slamming my head against the table, lightly.

"What?" Draco asked shocked as he snatched the Herbology paper from Mattheo. "But how?" He went through the file, looking at my answers. "Oh," he said, his voice suddenly dropping to a softer tone.

Astoria leaned closer, looking over Draco's shoulder, seeing what he saw. "Oh boy Lee," she sighed, before looking up at me. "You skipped an entire-"

"I skipped an entire god damn question." I grunted loudly, still having my head against the table.

"You got a B-?" Mattheo was truly confused.

I looked up, looking furious. "Just because I missed one entire question about swamp plants." I dropped my head to the table again, hitting it harder this time.

"How did you miss an entire question?" Blaise asked, snatching the paper from Draco.

"Urgh!" I groaned.

I lift my head again, ready to drop it down to the table again, but as soon as I dropped it, Mattheo's hand slid in the way, causing my head to hit his hand instead. He gave a grunt and gritted on his teeth, causing everyone to look up, seeing his hand under my forehead and against the table.

"It cost me 'bout ten marks!" I groaned, not moving my head. I was well aware that Mattheo's hand was currently stuck, but I didn't care at that moment. "Ten fucking marks."

"Lee?" Astoria whispered, seeing me pay no attention.

"If I had just seen the question-"

"Lee?" Astoria whispered again, just a bit louder.

"Or am I just blind lately?"

"She's going to break Mattheo's hand," Draco whispered, looking at me.

"Not at all," Mattheo responded, unexpectedly. Everyone frowned. "As long as she doesn't bang her head against the table, I'll take the pain." He kept his head down to the plate in front of him, not even glancing at anyone else, not even me.

"Oh man." I sighed, lifting my head. "That's it, I'm officially a complete failure," I said, widening my eyes in realization.

"Oh no, Lee don't say that," Astoria said sympathetically, grabbing my attention. "It was one test. You were just out of focus, and you weren't paying attention." She gave a soft smile, calming me down. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes.

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