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TW?: Sexual content

We entered into the boys dormitories, his lips already on mine, begging me for more that a kiss. Drunk, passionate, sex craving lips were colliding, and tongues were connecting.

Jacob pushed his door open with me hanging around his body. Suddenly we were surprised my Mattheo and that other girl making out. She sat on top of him, her lips moving onto his neck. In an instant the two of them looked at us, and Mattheo's eyes widened, seeing black lipstick on Jacob's neck, cheek and smudged on his lips.

"We can just go to my dorm," I said, tugging on Jacob's shirt. I looked away, after a few seconds of eye contact with Mattheo. I couldn't bare looking at him.

He shut the door, before bending down, placing a kiss on my lips. Immediately we made our way to my dorm, where I shut the door behind me, locking it.

The moment I turned around, I was pinned against the door, with Jacobs lips crashing into mine, hungry. I returned the energy, before jumping up, sitting around his torso. My hands twisted into his hair, pulling them as he made his way to my bed, falling onto it with me wrapped around him.

His hands grabbed a hold of the bottom of my dress, before pulling it off in one shot. He threw it aside, before smiling at my body.

"Still as hot as fourth year," he said, making me laugh.

He moved back down, crashing his lips into mine. I pulled his belt lose, before throwing it off the bed and unbuttoning his pants. He let go of me, before jumping up, pulling his pants down himself, before throwing it on the ground. Directly after he pulled his shirt off, before falling on top of me again.

He slipped his hand down my waist, before reaching my panty. Slowly he slipped his one finger into the panty, sliding it down my legs, before throwing it onto the ground. He slid his boxers down, making me smirk as I slid my legs open. He suddenly made a condom appear, which made me a little relieved. Gently he slid it on, before looking at me one more time, seeing permission.

Suddenly he slid forward, his length entering me. I took a deep breath, feeling him move in and out slowly. I couldn't help but gasp in pleasure. He had a grip on my thighs, making me squirm.

Slowly he slid in and out, motioning a little faster by each push.

"Oh Jake," I said as I dropped my head back, feeling the pleasure.

My breaths became a bit more rapid, but silently. His hands moved to my stomach, where he held me down, motioning his thumbs around in circles, controlling my squirming.

"God," I said as I looked up again, meeting his eyes.

With that a knock on the door sent him to pull out. He looked up, being a little irritated.

"What?" I asked in a low yell.

"Lee... I need to speak..."

I'd notice Mattheo's voice from a mile away. I sighed in frustration.

"Well, find someone else!" I low yelled as I looked at Jacob, seeing him already pulling his pants up. I sighed.

"Lee, please?" Mattheo said again from the door.

In frustration I got up, pulling my covers around my body as Jacob got his belt, pulling it around his body. I unlocked the door, opening it a bit when seeing Mattheo look at me, his eyes suddenly wondering down my body, seeing me in my covers.

Behind me, Jacob placed his hand on my shoulder, causing me to turn around, seeing him want to leave. I opened the door, allowing him to go. Mattheo looked at Jacob and I, his eyes in disbelief. Jacob's shirt was hanging over his shoulder as he left my room, returning to the party.

"What do you want?" I asked bluntly, looking at Mattheo with an emotionless expression.

He looked at me again in confusion. "Did you just sleep with Jacob?" he asked in disbelief.

I shrugged. "And?"

His mouth dropped open. "Lee. I don't think you understand what had just happened," he said as he suddenly put his hands on my shoulders, pushing me into my dorm.

I scoffed, shutting my door silently. "And what is that?" I asked, keeping my covers high up.

Mattheo looked at me with disbelief. "You just gave your virginity away to a seventh year! At a party. You are both drunk!"

I laughed. "What makes you think this was my first time?" I asked, crossing my arms.

Mattheo frowned. "Wait, this is not?" he asked in surprise.

"No. Now, what do you want?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"Well, you've been avoiding me a while now and-"

Suddenly hysterical laughter filled the room. Mattheo's face turned furious. I just could not help myself. He was serious, wasn't he?

"Lee? What's the problem?" he asked as he leaned against the foot of my bed.

I looked at him in disbelief. "I've been avoiding you? My god Mattheo!"

I dropped the covers without a care, which set a shock to Mattheo's eyes. I rushed around the bed where I slipped my underwear back on with his eyes wide on me.

"You vanished the day after I had opened up to you about my fucking emotions!" I slipped my dress on, making him look me up and down. "Were you dropped on your damn head as a baby? Because fuck you're stupid!"

I rushed towards the door, but Mattheo grabbed me by my arm, pulling me to a harsh stop.

"You do not speak to me like that! Do you understand me?" I said as he stared down at my eyes, being the dick he is.

I plucked my arm away from him. "And you don't vanish and return without an explanation!"

I walked passed him back down the halls to the common room, where I found everyone still partying. I slipped up next to Jacob, where he saw me tilt my head to the back of the common room before I walked off. he followed after me, until we were at the back alone.

"Jake, just so that we're on the page. This was just a one-nightstand? Right?"

He laughed. "Oh, yeah. I'm glad you feel so too. I mean, I don't think we'd ever be-"

"God!" I said, making him laugh. "Geez, you sound like what you did in fourth grade. Please stop!"

He laughed, before swinging his arm around my shoulders, pulling me back into the party where I immediately grabbed a hold of pansy, and that's when everything went blank.

I could not quite remember what happened next.

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