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With the click of the door unlocking, I heard someone jump to their feet, or off the stairs. With confusion I opened the door, being surprised with Mattheo standing in front of the door.

"Matty?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow. "What- what are you doing here?"

"I, uh- I-"

"He fell asleep in front of the door," Lorenzo said as he leaned against the wall on a staircase.

I looked up, my eyes brightening. "Enzo?" I questioned, suddenly realizing he was back. "Oh my god!"

I rushed forward, wrapping my arms around his torso as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

Okay- Lorenzo Berkshire. My dearest friend since first year. It was in the beginning me, him, and Alex. He left Hogwarts in the fourth year, moving to the Drumstrang Institute in Norway. His parents sent him there after they heard about a fight he got into a few weeks prior. They also moved there with him, as teachers.

In second year, we met Draco, Theo, and Blaise. I had already been sharing a room with pansy and Astoria, but back then we didn't quite know each other much. Ever since second year, we were a big group. Nine to be exact. Lorenzo, Draco, Blaise, Theo, Alex, Pansy, Astoria, and I. We used to have Jacob Nawaro in our group as well, but he also moved schools.

"Oh my goodness I'm glad you're safe!" he said in relief as he let me go.

In confusion Mattheo looked at us. "You have a lot of guy friends," he commented, watching me look back at him.

"Wait till you see her and Alex," Enzo said, causing Mattheo to frown.

"Who's Alex?" he asked softly.

"Anyways, why are you back?" I asked as I turned to Enzo.

He laughed. "Well, my parents moved back from Norway, so they moved me back to Hogwarts."

In joy I squealed. "Oh gosh I missed you!" I said, placing both my hands on my cheeks. Suddenly I remembered class, which set my mind into alert. "Oh gosh, great!" I said before rushing down the stairs. "I'm heading to class," I yelled behind me, "see you two at lunch!"

Enzo smiled, before looking at Matty. "You must be Mattheo, right?" he asked as he stuck his hand out to greet.

Mattheo looked him up and down. "Mattheo Riddle, yes."

Suddenly Enzo's facial expression darkened as he pulled his hand to his chest. "R- Riddle?" he questioned, fear in his tone.

"Yes, Riddle. Like the man who gave you your-"

"I understand!" Enzo blurted out as he took a step back.

Mattheo looked him in his eyes before taking a step closer to him. "Lorenzo, right?" he questioned rhetorically. "Be careful around her. Anything more than a hug once or twice a day, will get you killed. Remember boundaries."

Enzo swallowed, before standing up straight again. "I didn't notice that she was dating anyone," he said, making sure to act tough.

"She's not," Mattheo said, before taking another step forward. "But do you understand me when I say boundaries? Or else you'll have more to explain than a broken nose."

Quickly Enzo nodded, not wanting to cause trouble.

"Great," Mattheo said, growing a smile. "I'll see you at lunch. Lorenzo."

He walked off, leaving Enzo standing in the dormitory halls alone. What had just happened?

The Riddle behind it all {M.R.}Where stories live. Discover now