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"You ready?" I asked as I popped up next to Mattheo. I was freshly dressed into a pair of jeans and a short shirt.

Mattheo smiled, noticing my necklace. "You brought it with?" he questioned, looking into my eyes.

I smiled. "Of course. No way this is staying at home."

He chuckled. "Let's go then."

"Where are you two going?" Alex asked as he sat back, eyeing Mattheo.

"Stargazing in the-"

"Courtyard. We're going to stargaze..." Mattheo interrupted, making me frown, but keep my soft smile.

"Don't do something stupid," Alex insisted, making me smile.

"Of course not Alex."

Mattheo allowed me to exit the common room first before he followed after me. We walked out of the dungeons into the hallways, where barely a few children were either still snogging, or on their way to their dormitories. Mattheo threw his arm over my shoulders, causing me to walk closer to him.

Eventually we reached the stairs, where we flooded up to the empty astronomy tower, when suddenly seeing billion of stars shimmering in the sky. With amazement I walked up to the railing, looking up at the galaxy of stars, all a different colour.

"God Mattheo. This looks breath taking!"

He leaned against the wall on the side of the tower, looking at. "It does indeed."

I turned to him, seeing his arms crossed as he looked at me with a smile. "Why did you lie to Alex?" I asked, walking to him.

He chuckled. "I thought it'd be more fun if they didn't actually know where we were. You know, like we're off their map."

I laughed, before standing in front of him. "Why did you really ask me to 'stargaze' with you?" I asked, knowing he'd never just want to do it with someone he didn't really want to do it with. He was not quite a people's person.

Mattheo frowned. "What do you mean?"

I giggled. "Matty... I know you have no interest in the stars, or the moon, or anything beyond your surroundings. You'd never stargaze. You'd never just take someone to stargaze. You'd never lie to people about taking someone to stargaze. By knowing what subjects you take, I know you have zero intention to want to stargaze."

Mattheo looked at me with a smile. "Does everything have to be about my subjects?" he asked, making me roll my eyes as I smiled.

"Matty. Are you telling me that your actually interested in stargazing?"

He snorted. "Not at all."

I laughed, crossing my arms. "Then why did you ask me to come here with you?" I asked again, making him smile softly.

"I just wanted to talk..." I raised an eyebrow. "And maybe be alone with you..."

I giggled, before turning around again, looking at the stars. I walked back to the railings, before sitting down with my legs in between the bars, hanging off the balcony. After a few seconds, Mattheo joined me, doing the same, only with an empty bar in between his legs. I looked at him on my right, smiling.

I looked up at the stars, appreciating the colours. Suddenly a star shoot across the sky, making me giggle.

"Make a wish," I said, looking at Mattheo.

"What?" he asked confused.

I giggled. "Make a wish."

"Why?" he said frowning.

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