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"Lee! Lee!"

I shot up, my head ringing as I looked around the room.

"Lee! Thank god! You're late for school!"

Pansy threw my school clothes at me as she plucked shoes onto her feet. I had no idea what had become of me. Never, in my six years here at Hogwarts, have I woken up as late as today.

"First period had already begun!" she yelled before storming out the dorm door.

It took me a second to realize what was going on, before I jumped up, immediately slipping out of my pyjamas. I hopped around the room as I pulled on my underwear, stockings, shirt, tie, and robe. Finally I slipped onto my feet before I ran out of the dorm. Something felt missing.

"Fuck!" I yelled when reaching the common room door. I spun back around, running to my dorm. "Books!" I plucked my bag off the vanity, before making my way back out the common room.

Running down the empty hallways, I only heard my panting and the clickety-clack of my shoes against the stoned floors. I rushed as fast as I could to Potions, knowing sure as hell I'd get detention whether I was late or skipping. At least if I were late I'd get one, not two.

Bursting through the door, Professor Slughorn turned to me in shock. Everyone was seated at their desks and turned around, seeing my hair and robe messy, not missing my loose tie.

"Miss Lee. How kind of you to join us."

I panted as I dropped to my desk next to Alex. "I apologize professor."

Professor Slughorn sighed. "Unfortunately, I will have to be giving you detention."

I sighed, scrambling my books onto my table. "I fully understand professor."

He turned around, before returning to his desk. Everyone continued with their work, some behind me still whispering. I slid out my quill, before flipping open my book, just continuing with the work I was doing the previous day.

Alex leaned closer to me. "I see you and Riddle slept in late," he commented, making me look at him with wide eyes and a frown.

"Matty was late to class as well?" I asked, before looking around the classroom, but Mattheo was nowhere to be found.

Alex frowned. "What? No. He didn't even arrive to the dorm last night. He wasn't there when we woke up either. The last any of us saw of him, was when you two went stargazing in the courtyard."

I turned back to Alex, confused. "Matty didn't make it back to his dorm? But he dropped me off at mine."

Alex shrugged. "No one has seen him arrive last night. Nor did they see you arrive last night. Many rumours are spreading around."

I frowned. "What?" I asked a little too loudly.

"Miss Lee?" Professor Slughorn questioned.

I raised my hand in apology before he returned to his work.

"Well. Many rumours are that you and Mattheo fell asleep somewhere. But many are also about you two finally getting caught and sent to Dumbledore."

I turned to him in disbelief. "I- no! He dropped me at my dorm. Pansy can vouch for me."

Alex sighed. "I believe you. But Mattheo is gone. No one knows where he is."

"How can that be?" I asked confused.

"Miss Lee!" Professor Slughorn questioned louder.

"Sorry Professor," I said, before looking down at my books.


"No," Draco said, shaking his head. "He wasn't in DADA or History of Magic."

"Also a no show in any other classes," pansy said, picking at her homework.

I groaned, dropping my head to the table. "Where the fuck is that moran!" I groaned as I looked back up, throwing my hair back. "He dropped me at my dorm. Where the hell could he have gone?!"

Jacob sighed as he sat down. "I asked around the Slytherin house. No one has seen him after he and Lee vanished of after quidditch practice."

I groaned again, dropping my head to the table again.

"She's doing it again," Astoria said as she looked at Draco.

I banged my head against the table again, causing Alex to slide closer to me, pushing my shoulders up.

"Look, it's okay. He'll show up eventually. And if he doesn't, he's probably-"

I tuned his voice out the moment I saw Harry, Ron and Hermione enter the Great hall. They walked to the Gryffindore table where they sat down with Ginny and Neville. Suddenly Neville stood up, giving me an idea.

Without saying anything, I slinked down, under through the table, before getting out on the other side. I made my way to the empty seat next to Ginny, where I fell down, grabbing their attention.

"Lee?" Ginny asked in excitement.

I smiled, but quickly looked at Harry. "I'm really sorry to bug you, but do you still have The Marauders map?" I asked, hitting him by surprise.

"Uh, yeah?" he said in confusion.

I smiled. "Great. I need it."

He looked at Ginny, seeing her tell him to just give me the map. He groaned, before pulling the map out, handing it to me. Quickly I snatched it, before pulling my wand out.

"Mischief Manage," I said, causing the ink to suddenly appear.

Harry frowned as he saw me open the map in a rush. I scanned through it, searching for the name 'Mattheo Riddle', but it was nowhere to be found.

"He's not even at Hogwarts," I said with a frown.

"Who?" Ginny asked as she peeked over my shoulder.

I looked at her as I dropped the map. "Mattheo."

Immediately I jumped up, before rushing out of the Great Hall to my dorm, where I locked the door and sat down on my bed. I took a deep breath, before lifting my wand to my head, casting a wordless spell.

I sat in silence for a few seconds, before suddenly opening my eyes.

"Matty," I asked as I stared at the empty wall.

"Lee?" I heard a voice ask back, making me smile.

"God. It's good to know that you're alive," I joked, but got no reaction.

"What do you want?" he asked bluntly, changing my entire mood.

"Woah Mattheo. I just wanted to know that your okay. Everyone's asking where you are and-"

"Well I'm not there so what's the fucking problem them."

I scoffed. "Fuck Riddle. I just wanted to know your safe."

"Well fuck you Lee. I'm alive."

Suddenly I heard him realize what he said.

"Lee- I didn't-"

"Oh, fuck off will ya?!" I said, before suddenly turning the communication line out, mentally.

I dropped to my back, looking up at the ceiling.

"Fucking men."

The Riddle behind it all {M.R.}Where stories live. Discover now