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"Ready girls?" I asked, turning to them.

Pansy wore a nice, beige dress that hung right under her knees. She had high heels, matching it. Astoria wore a milk dress, with pumps. Her hair was braided, where Pansy's was just loose. I wore a black dress, that hung just above my knees, with my hair also loose, matching to my heels. Black was the only dress I had.

"Ready," Pansy said, as she pushed a pin into her hair.

We walked down the stairs, entering the crowded party. Everyone either wore a dress, or something like a tux. The boys mostly wore jeans with a button up shirt, which was just as good enough. The smell of alcohol attracted me, making me fall in love with this party already.

Somehow, Mattheo grabbed my hand, pulling me away from the girls as they headed to Draco and Blaise. I giggled, throwing my arms around his neck as he pulled his hands around my waist.

"Hey!" I called as he placed his head against mine. "I need a drink!"

He lift me up and spun me around, causing me to laugh as I looked up. He placed a kiss on my neck, causing me to giggle.

"Drink!" I said again, causing him to groan as he dropped me.

"You really hate me," he mumbled as he turned around, snatching a cup out of another boy's hand, before giving it to me. "There, now drink."

I giggled, before smelling it. Cherry flavoured fire whiskey. I downed the cup, before looking at Mattheo again, seeing him laugh.

"Okay, great. Now I want to go get a proper drink!"

Mattheo laughed as he shook his head. "You really fucking hate me," he said as he slipped his hand into mine, before pulling me to the alcohol table in the back of the common room. "Now get yourself a drink," he said, laughing as I grabbed myself a cup.

"So demanding," I joked as I grabbed the vodka bottle. Immediately I poured it blank into a cup, before taking a large gulp.

"Woah!" Mattheo said as he pulled the cup away from me. "Pure vodka? Is your goal to get dead wasted?"

I looked at him, raising an eyebrow. I pulled the cup back, before drinking the last of it. "There," I said, dropping the cup back on the table. "Now we can dance!"

"Great!" Mattheo said as he grabbed my hand again, pulling me back into the dancefloor.

Immediately he grabbed me around the waist, spinning me up into the air. I laughed, placing my hands on his shoulders as I looked down at his smile. He looked so pure and happy for once, like nothing was at bother with him. It was truly heart-warming to see him so happy. He dropped me down again but kept his hands around my waist. I laughed as I curled my fingers into his hair, while he was spinning me around in circles.

"Well, that's unexpected," Theo said as he leaned against the couch next to Draco. His eyes were on me and Mattheo.

Draco looked at us, also being surprised. "Yeah- that's uhm, out of the blue?"

Mattheo cupped my face, forcing me to look into his eyes as laughter exited my mouth.

"Fuck you're gorgeous," he commented, making me blush.

"I know I am," I commented, making him laugh.

Suddenly they turned the music louder, causing me to have an idea. I grabbed Mattheo's hand before running to the others who were standing at the couch. I grabbed the girl's hands, leaving Mattheo with the boys. We called the other Slytherin girls, while slipping off our shoes and handing them to the boys. We rushed to the middle of the room, where other girls joined us before we all started dancing together. We spun in circles, causing our dresses to go flying around in circles. We knew the boys were watching us, but we always did this at a party.

"They're amazing," Enzo said as he leaned back next to Mattheo.

Mattheo looked at him. "I thought you were gay?" he asked, crossing his arms.

Enzo laughed. "I have a boyfriend; it doesn't mean I'm gay. I'm bisexual dingus."

Mattheo glared at him. "Don't call me dingus."

"You two better smooth shit out," Draco said, glaring at them. "If you two can't get along, I can't imagine Mattheo with Alex."

"What's the deal with Alex?" Mattheo asked in frustration. "You all make him sound like someone who-"

"Is more protective over Lee than anyone you might think of? He is not someone you want to mess with Riddle."

"And Lee?" Mattheo asked, scratching his nose.

"Lee doesn't see him the way we do. Yet she sees him the way we don't."

Mattheo looked at Draco, frowning. "What are they?" he asked as he looked at me laughing again.

Draco sighed. "Mattheo. You really don't want to step into Lee's life if you don't know her completely."

Mattheo looked at Draco, seeing him look serious. He sighed, before looking at me again, spinning in circles, before Astoria took my hand, spinning me around her. She switched me with Pansy, causing some other girl to spin me in circles. We were laughing, all of us having more fun than ever.

Suddenly the son ended, causing everyone to flood onto the dance floor for the next song. I rushed back to Mattheo, where I snatched my shoes back before slipping them onto my feet. I leaned forward, against Mattheo as I braided my fingers into his hands.

With a grin on his face he pulled me with him back onto the dance floor, before grabbing me around my waist, pulling me into the air again. Laughter escaped my lips as he spun me around int the air. My eyes were once again looking down at his, before he lowered me, but still kept my feet above the ground.

"God you're hot," he commented, making me laugh.

"God you love compliments," I teased, making him drop me to the floor.

"Why wouldn't I?" he said, cupping my face. "They are simply just the truth."

He danced around, song after song. We were inseparable. Every now and the, Pansy or Blaise would bring us shots, causing us to down them, one after another. We didn't care, as long as the shots were strong and were going to get us wasted.

He cupped my face as I looked up, tracing his tongue up my throat, over my chin and lips, over my nose and onto my forehead. I could smell the vodka on his breath, but I didn't care. I laughed as he put his forehead against mine, while I strapped my hands around his neck.

The Riddle behind it all {M.R.}Where stories live. Discover now