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I stood up, before slowly making my way to my dorm. Astoria and Pansy were both still knocked out. I remembered them coming to bed early last night, hence the reason I sat on the couch before falling asleep.

After getting dressed, I gathered my books and made my way to the great hall. I tightened a violet lint around my arm before looking up, seeing many children were already seated, but suddenly everyone looked at me enter. I felt like I was being targeted somehow.

While feeling awkward, I made my way to my friend group, not really scanning more through the room. Silently I sat down, dropping my bag down in between my legs.

"Is it just me, or is everyone in this room staring at me?" I asked, still seeing children glance at me.

Finally I looked at my friends, before freezing at the sight of the dark lord's son. He looked at me with an emotionless face. For a few seconds, I just sat looking at him, speechless.


I started laughing, interrupting Draco. "So, the dick returns?"

With shocked eyes everyone looked at me. Slowly, Mattheo's expression turned mad, almost furious.

"Great, so now all can return to being human beings and leave me alone?"

"Lee!" Jacob said, looking at me with surprise. "Come on? Just be nice-"

"Nice?" I asked in shock as I looked at him in disbelief. "For a fuck not."

I stood up, before making my way back Herbology. Immediately I entered, sitting down in the back of the classroom, suck into my chair. No one questioned whether I was okay or not. Instead everyone just walked past me to their seats.

The period was long, boring. I had already done the work, which ment I had no need to pay attention. After Herbology I had Astronomy, where I also sat in the back of the classroom in silence. Then Arithmancy.

During lunch I snuck to the greenhouses. I dropped behind them, knowing professors never actually scan there for smokers. So I pulled out a joint, needing to just relax. As I smoked, I sat down with a book in front of me. Page after page I read, feeling as if the words were dancing around. Yet, I still understood them.

Suddenly I heard the bell call, sending me to shoot up. I stuffed my books into my bags before heading to Herbology again. After another Herbology period, I asked permission by Hagrid to skip care of magical creatures. I wondered back to where I sat at lunch, smoking another joint as I read my book again.

The last period was Potions. I was early, using the excuse that Hagrid allowed me to walk earlier. I knew Professor Slughorn smelt the weed on me, which is why he allowed me to sit in the far back as the other children filled the classroom. He dropped a few potions, helping that the students didn't quite smell the weed.

"Lee!" Professor Slughorn called as everyone was dismissed.

I walked up to his desk, where he handed me a bunch of papers. Curiously I frowned.

"Please give them to Mattheo. He failed to show up to my class, and I am aware that he is at school."

I groaned silently, before walking out of the classroom.

The hallways were spinning as I made my way to the common room. I was still high, like always, and it barely had an effect on me. I got too high to often to still have the same effects each time. I entered the common room, where I dropped my bag in my dorm.

Slowly I made my way to the boys dormitories. I was hoping to get Draco or Blaise or anyone on my way there, but it seemed as if none of them were even at the common room.

In front of Mattheo's dorm, I stood frozen. I didn't want to face him, but I still had his homework, so I had no choice.

I gave a knock, but no answer. I knocked again, but still silence. I figured that he was also not in the common room, so I just opened the door, entering. Suddenly I was shocked to see a pair of female feet hang off the bed.

Immediately black curls flew around as a girl, Payton, shot up, making eye contact with me. Suddenly another body shot up, Mattheo. They were both naked. I could tell by Payton's eyes, that she wasn't bothered. But Mattheo looked at me with regret.

I spun around, closing my eyes. A smile spread widely on my lips. "Payton. Can you just quickly cover up so that I can hand Mattheo his Potions homework?" I asked, before hearing her rustle

"Okay, all good Lee," she said, causing me to turn around, facing Mattheo's regretful eyes.

With a bright, devious smile on my lips I walked forward, placing his homework down on his bags.

"Professor Slughorn wants these to be finished by tomorrow since you skipped his class."

"Lee," Mattheo said, looking at me with pain in his eyes.

"And you have to catch up todays work as well." I looked at Payton, seeing her smile at me. "By the way, how's Martin?" I asked her, making her sit up with a sweet smile. I leaned back against a chair, making Mattheo frown.

"Oh, he's amazing!" she said as she giggled. "You know the usual. He sleeps around, I sleep around. You'll know all about that."

I giggled. "Oh goodness don't remind me."

Mattheo frowned. "You two know each other?" he asked confused.

I looked at him, a smirk spread on my lips. "Oh, we go way back!" I said, making her look at him with a smile.

"Were you two, friends?" he asked confused.

Payton giggled. "No way silly. We were more like-"

"Acquaintances," I said, making her nod.

"So what? You two just know each other?"

I smiled, pushing myself to a stand. "A little too well," I said, looking at Payton.

"So you were close?" Mattheo asked completely curious.

I laughed, before making my way to the door. "If sex counts as close, then yeah."

I exited, hearing Mattheo flood Payton with questions. A smile spread on my lips as I walked to the common room again.

Mattheo was so clueless about my life.

Almost everyone knew that Payton and I slept together. It wasn't something that'd be brought up, but it happened. We were drunk and she had just found out that her boyfriend had slept with Pansy. So she came up to me and one thing led to another. I knew for a fact that I wasn't into girls. It was a one-night thing and that was that.

The Riddle behind it all {M.R.}Where stories live. Discover now