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I sat doodling on my paper when the doors of the classroom suddenly opened. Everyone turned around, moving their eyes of their own work. I did as well, when noticing Mattheo enter the classroom.

"Mister Riddle?" Professor Sprout questioned curiously.

He gave a soft, innocent looking smile. "Miss, I'm sorry to intrude, I was sent by Professor McGonagall to get Miss Lee."

Professor Sprout looked at me, seeing me surprised. "Well, of course dear. You won't be at loss of any work. You are ahead indeed. So you can leave."

With a thankful smile on my lips I stood up, before walking to Mattheo, seeing something dangerous in his eyes.

"What are you doing?" I asked as we exited the classroom.

A smile spread on his lips. "I don't understand?"

I laughed. "Professor McGonagall would never send a student to retrieve another student. Professor Sprout is just to kind to actually take that in context."

Mattheo laughed. "We're ditching." He threw his hand over my shoulder, managing to control the directions I was walking.

With wide, shocked eyes I looked at him. "What? No. I can't ditch. I have Care of Magical Creatures after this, then Potions, then after lunch I have Astronomy, Arithmancy and then Herbology again! I can't just ditch. I even have Quidditch after school!"

He managed to lead me past the entrances of the castle, leading me away.

"And you're ahead of all your classes, am I correct?"

I bit down on my bottom lip, really, really wanting to say no, but then I'd be lying.

"Come on! We're all ditching, why not you?"

"We're all? All as is?"

"Us all!" Enzo said, causing me to look at him.

"Enzo!" I said cheerfully, before rushing forward to him. I jumped up, causing him to catch me, spinning me in the air.

Mattheo stared at us, before catching Enzo's eyes as he dropped me in for a hug. Mattheo glared at him, burning into Enzo's eyes. Slowly, yet quickly, Enzo let go of me, forcing me to let go of him as he softly pulled me away on my waists. I was confused as he looked at me, giving a fearsome smile, before turning around, walking on. I noticed we were right in front of the quidditch field, confusing me. I looked at Mattheo, who just shrugged.

With that we entered the fields, where I noticed the others blooming on the field. I was confused, but a smile spread on my lips. As we approached them, I saw blankets spread out, along with a music box, and a few picnic baskets.

"Wait up!" Pansy called, causing me to turn around. "Ay!" she called as she lift two bottles of fire whiskey in the air.

"Ay bitch!" I called back as she approached me. we gave a hug, before returning to the others.

Pansy looked at Blaise. "Did you remember the shot glasses?" she asked, causing his eyes to widen. Slowly he shook his head, realizing he forgot them. "Fuck! Blaise! You had one job."

"You know," I said, before pulling the bottle cap off the bottle. "Fuck shot glasses!" Before anyone could stop me, I took a giant gulp of the bottle, causing Mattheo's eyes to widen.

"She's back bitches!" Pansy said as I pulled a sour face.

"Yes!" I said cheerfully.

Everyone laughed, before Astoria put on some music.

"There's a quidditch match Saturday," Draco said, before taking a sip of the whiskey.

I scoffed. "We get two practice days? Before Saturday?" I asked with the roll of my eyes.

"Against whom?" Mattheo asked as he sat down next to me.

Draco scoffed. "Who do you think?"

"We always play against Gryffindor first," I said, looking at Mattheo. "Who knows why, but we do." I took the bottle by Draco, before taking another gulp.

"Do ya'll mind if I smoke?" Mattheo asked as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Everyone shrugged, not caring.

"Come, Astoria!" I called, lifting my hands in the air. She stood up from next to Mattheo, walking over to me before melting in between my legs and arms, laying in my arms. "Now you can." I smiled, causing Mattheo to frown. "She has asthma."

In understood he nodded, before lighting a cigarette.

"Where's Alex?" Enzo asked from next to Draco.

I smiled. "Well, no thanks to Theodore and Dylan, he got suspended until after the winter holidays. The three of them got into another fight, this time almost killing Dylan."

Mattheo frowned. "Who is this Alex you always talk about?" he asked curiously.

"Oh, he was one of us. Or he still it. He is the one who's bed you stole in our dorm," Enzo said, earning a sour glare from Mattheo.

"Enzo!" I said, throwing him with a rock. "Come on! I'm sure the prefects will make plan. You're so sour!"

Mattheo grew a smirk before taking another breath from his cigarette.

The Riddle behind it all {M.R.}Where stories live. Discover now