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"Right. I want the lights off by ten!" Snape yelled before vanishing out the common room door.

I groaned as I leaned over the side of the chair, my head handing off.

"Woah!" Mattheo called as he jumped in front of me, looking upside down.

I giggled. "You're walking on the roof." I had a lint around my neck, once again acting like a choker.

He pushed me up by my shoulders, forcing me to sit up straight. "Come on!" he said, before crunching down in front of me, frowning.

I giggled, watching his eyes. I lift my index finger, placing it on his nose. "Boop!"

"Is she high?" he asked, tilting his head along with me.

Alex laughed. "Not yet no. She's sleep deprived-"

"Which means she's gloomy," Enzo said, walking to the couch.

"Sleep deprived?" Mattheo asked, raising his eyebrow.

"She always sleeps on the train, so of course she didn't sleep last night. And the night before that she sat awake waiting-" Alex stopped, thinking his words through. "I mean she stayed up late."

"You should walk on the roof again!" I said gloomy as I turned onto my back to tilt my head over the side of the chair again.

"No!" Mattheo called as he pushed me back up, before slipping his arms under through my legs and arms.

I giggled as he lifted me up, walking to the girl dormitories.

"Woah!" Alex said as he jumped up, suddenly stopping Mattheo. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" he asked possessively.

Mattheo frowned. "I'm taking her to bed. If she's sleep deprived, she needs sleep."

Without waiting for a response, Mattheo turned around, carrying me to my dorm. Alex looked at him in disbelief, before looking at Draco and Theo, who immediately looked away.

"What the hell was that about?" he asked in a scoff as he walked back to the couch.

Draco looked at him, before glancing at Mattheo vanish into the girl dormitories. "He's taking her to bed... what's wrong with that?"

Alex scoffed. "He is taking her to bed. Lee is fine."

Draco shrugged, before hiding behind his newspaper again.

Mattheo sat me down on my bed, but immediately I jumped up again.

"No, Lee. Sleep," Mattheo said as he pushed me back down. "Come on. Let's get you ready."

He pulled my elastic off my bedside table, before getting onto the bed behind me. Somehow he pulled my hair back, trying to put it into a messy pony. He managed, also causing half of it to knot up. Biting down onto his teeth, he shrugged it off before jumping in front of me again, suddenly freezing. I looked at him with my eyes, before suddenly returning to reality, snapping out of my gloominess.

"What the fuck?" he said as he grew a frown.

Immediately I pulled my hair loose, causing for it to fall into my face again. He rushed forward, pushing the hair out of my face as he cupped his hands around my head.

"Lee? What the fuck happened?!" he asked in a yell, causing me to flinch. Slowly he let go of me as he took a few steps back. "Was it him?" he asked with an angry tone, pointing to the door with his thumb.

I frowned. "What?" I asked in confusion.

"Did Alex hit you?" he asked in fury.

I jumped up in defence. "What? N- no! He didn't!"

"I'm going to fucking kill him!" Mattheo said as he suddenly stormed out of my dorm, heading straight to the common room.

In shock I ran after him, calling his name in fear of what he was doing. When I entered the common room, Mattheo was already far ahead, heading towards Alex who had already jumped to his feet.

"You abusive mattered piece of shit!" Mattheo yelled before giving a punch, causing Alex to stumble to the side.

"Mattheo!" I called as I rushed forward.

"What the fuck dude?!" Alex yelled, before giving a punch back.

I took a step back, flinching as I saw Mattheo stumble against the couch. Everyone looked at them, curious at why they were fighting. Mattheo stood to his feet, looking surprised as he moved his jaw around a little.

"What's your deal man?" Alex asked as he looked at Mattheo with fury.

Mattheo scoffed. "Did you fucking hit her?" he yelled, taking a step closer to Alex. I flinched, taking a step back.

"What?" Alex asked in confusion. Suddenly he noticed me behind Mattheo, looking at them as I gripped both my hands together. "Lee? You had to cover it up!" he said as he tried stepping forward, but Mattheo pushed him back.

"Don't go near her!" Mattheo yelled, causing me to look up in shock.

Suddenly Jacob rushed to me, seeing my black eye. "Alex?" he asked in shock as he turned to him. "What the hell happened?"

"He fucking touched her!" Mattheo yelled, giving Alex another nudge.

"What the fuck dude?!" Alex yelled. "I didn't touch her!"

"Yeah? Then who did? Harry? He wouldn't have the balls to lay a hand on Lee! The only other guy I know who spent the holidays with Lee was you!"

Mattheo gave a punch, sending Alex flying to the ground. He got on top of him, before giving a punch, one after another.

"Mattheo! Stop!" I yelled in fear. "Stop it!"

Suddenly Alex pushed Mattheo off of him, before jumping on top of him, punching back.

"No! Alex!" I yelled.

Jacob and Theo jumped forward, pulling Alex off of Mattheo, causing him to shove them off of him. Draco helped Mattheo up from the ground, but as soon as he got onto his feet, he tried rushing straight to Alex. Draco, Jacob, and Theo jumped in between them, keeping them apart.

"You dare touch her a-fucking-gain, you'll-"

"He didn't hit me!" I yelled, causing Mattheo to go silent, looking at me in confusion. "He'd never!"

"Lee," Alex said, taking a step closer to me.

I lift my hand, stopping him. "It was my uncle. Alex's dad." Mattheo sighed, before wiping the blood off from under his nose. "Alex wasn't even home when it happened. He was out on a date with some whore."

Mattheo sighed, feeling bad. "Lee," he said softly as he took a few steps closer to me.

"No!" I said, raising my index finger to him, forcing him to a holt. I sighed, before saying, "By morning I'll most likely forget half of this, but please don't remind me. And please, for goodness sakes, do not kill each other tonight."

I didn't glance at them as I turned around, returning to my dorm.

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