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TW: Abuse

We made our way to 12 Grimmauld street, The House of Black. When we were outside, I could hear someone unlocking every lock on the door, causing everyone to step aside, spreading a way to me. I wasn't shocked, but the moment the door opened, my eyes met these op a black-haired boy. A smile grew on both our faces.

"Get on with it boy!" Sirius mumbled, just wanting us out of his way.

Immediately Alex rushed forward, lifting me up by my waist, spinning me around in the air in excitement. I giggled in joy before he dropped me, sending me to jump my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my torso, squeezing me tightly. I laughed but didn't loosen my grip.

"Oh my goodness!" he said as he burrowed his nose and mouth into my neck.

I laughed. "Okay, okay! I need air!" I said, releasing my arms from around his neck. Alex kept his position, which made me have to force his arms to release me. "Come on Alex! I need air!" I laughed, before he finally let me go.

"You two, in!" Sirius said bitterly from the door.

I laughed, before grabbing Alex's hand, pulling him into the house. Immediately we made our way to our room, where my luggage had been already placed. Usually I'd have to carry it myself, but someone must've brought it up for me. I dropped onto my bed, feeling so comfortable.

"So? What happened at Hogwarts that I missed?" Alex asked as he sat down on my bed, against the headboard.

I laid next to him, looking up at the net that hung over my bed. "A lot! Enzo returned-"

"He what?" Alex asked in surprise.

I laughed. "He did! Well a few weeks before the holidays, but he did."

Alex smiled. "Is he- uh- different?"

"Exactly the same!" I said as I sat up. "Enzo looks identical. It's like he hadn't changed! I mean, he grew taller. But he is still the silly boy he was in third year!"

Alex smiled. "Gosh I missed you."

I laughed. "I know, and I missed you too. But I'm too excited to kill you. So don't expect to wake up in the morning."

Alex chuckled.

"Kids!" we heard Sirius yell from the kitchen. "Get down here for dinner!"

I sighed. "Is he still tough on you?" I asked, standing up.

Alex sighed, looking at his fiddling hands. "It's gotten worse..."

I sighed. "Well," I said as I opened the door, causing Alex to jump up and follow after me. "At least we don't need to be here daily. We can go to the park or to the muggle shops. We can be anywhere but here."

Alex laughed. "Yeah..."

We walked down the stairs before entering the kitchen, where everyone already sat. Sirius didn't glance up, but instead Remus did, giving me a 'welcome' smile. I smiled back, before sitting down next to Ginny. Alex seated himself next to me, causing him to sit next to Harry. He groaned, rolling his eyes.

"There are new rules being set in this house," Sirius said after clearing his throat. Everyone looked at him, curious. "There's going to be a curfew. Ten o'clock."

"What?" Ginny and I asked at the same time.

"I'm sorry. But with you-know-who on the rise, we have to be careful. It's no more fun and games."

I groaned, leaning back in my chair as ii folded my arms.

"Be careful how you handle yourself!" Sirius yelled, hitting his hand against the table.

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