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The loud music that came banging through the doors were loud in bass and volume, deafening my ears. I pushed my ear plugs into my ears as I took a deep breath.

Pansy and Astoria had joined earlier, but I stayed behind getting ready. I had a short dress on, which hung right under my ass. It had a low cut on the top. My stomach was open, which I made sure looked hot. I wore a push-up bra and high heels. Everything was black and dark green. My hair was pulled up into a lose high pony, which I could easily pull lose. My breasts were quite visible, with the necklace Mattheo had given me.

There were only 5 things I had planned tonight.

1. Get drunk.

2. Make Mattheo jealous.

3. Be a slut.

4. Be noticed.

5. Have sex with someone, who isn't Mattheo.

I took a deep breath, before walking out of the girl dormitory hallways. Suddenly eyes fell on me as I walked in on beat, which made me feel notice. Great.

"Lee?" Jacob questioned as I walked up to him.

I smiled, before seeing the drink in his hands. Immediately I snatched it, and he saw it coming, so he didn't care. I downed it, before giving him his cup back. As someone walked by, I snatched their cup as well, leaving them passing speechlessly. I downed that cup as well, before dropping it to the floor.

"You look... quite-"

"Inappropriate," Mattheo said sourly, making me turn around.

I looked down, seeing a red cup in his hands. I smiled innocently, slowly taking the cup from his lose grasp as his eyes moved down my body to my chest, noticing his necklace hanging on my breasts. I downed his drink as well, before dropping the cup to the floor.

I smiled, before just walking away into the group of dancing children. Immediately Pansy looked me up and down as I walked towards her while playfully biting my bottom lip. She took my hand, spinning me around before grabbing me by my hips, pulling me against her.

Mattheo watched us from the side, his eyes wide.

"You good mate?" Enzo asked as he leaned against the table next to Mattheo.

"Lee is- woah."

Enzo looked at what Mattheo was staring at, when noticing me pull my hair elastic out, causing my hair to fall lose, flying around as I shook my head.

"Dude?" Jacob said, looking at me with a wide mouth.

My hand trailed into my hair, pushing the strands back. Pansy and I danced against each other, our bodies touching. Even though it looked sexual, as both being straight, everyone knew we were just slut dancing, and it was quite a turn on for boys.

Lightly I glanced at Mattheo, Jacob and Enzo, giving a weakening wink. Mattheo, Jacob and Enzo all looked at me with open mouths, seeing me have a hold of the sides of my dress, flowing it around and I lowered myself to the floor.

Suddenly Alex appeared in front of them, snapping them out of their stalking gazes. "We have a problem," he said, looking at Mattheo with light fear.

"What?" Mattheo asked in irritation.

Alex sighed. "I have a meeting tomorrow with you-know-who."

Suddenly Mattheo grew interest. "Why does my father want to speak now? Our next meeting isn't until a few weeks."

Alex shrugged. "I don't know? Remember, I do not have the same type of tasks as you guys-"

"And what is your task?" Mattheo asked, digging his hands into his pockets.

Alex sighed. "I prefer not to say..."

"Hey!" I called behind Alex, causing them to look at me. I popped up next to him, causing him to look me up and down. In his hand was a cup, which I took without hesitation, downing it as well. "What?" I asked, giving a light pout.

"Lee," Alex said in disgust. "The fuck are you wearing? And what did Draco tell you about heels?"

I laughed, before turning to the boys. Mattheo looked at me emotionless, as I saw Enzo vanish. My eyes met Jacob's, making me smirk.

"Dance?" I asked, placing my hand out as I bit my bottom lip.

"Sure," Jacob said as he took my hand, allowing me to pull him with me back onto the dance floor.

Immediately I moved my hips and shoulders flirtishly. I threw my hair back as I walked towards him, placing my hands around his neck. Slowly I moved my body down as I stared into his eyes. My hands travelled over his chest and onto his torso as I moved down to a crunch.

"What the hell is she doing?" Alex asked, glaring at me spin my head back, closing my eyes.

Mattheo licked his lips. He knew he was going to stop me if he kept watching. His eyes broke contact from my body as he turned away. "I need a fucking drink," he said before walking off.

I moved myself to a stand, when Jacob placed his hands on my hips, lifting me into the air. My hands were on his shoulders as I store down at his eyes. He dropped me to my feet again, when suddenly a song came up. I turned around, without an explanation, and grabbed Pansy's hand, pulling her to me.

Jacob walked back to Alex, shrugging when Alex glared at him. Mattheo stood with them again, looking at Pansy and I dance unholy once again. Jacob and Mattheo looked me up and down, knowing that they would at least have two boners by the end of the night.

¯I'm begging mercy~ Is there any good inside of me?~ Losing sense of my morality~ She's getting thirsty~ My killer curiosity~ My boredom with my own reality~¯

The boys watch us as we trace or hands up our bodies. As we trailed our hands through our hair. They were curious at what has gotten into me specifically. Just yesterday I had avoided them all, and now I had turned into a complete slut.

Seems like I had already reached goal 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Mattheo stared at me as he squeezed his cup tighter in his hand. Not quite in anger, but something made him know that he couldn't have me.

After the song, I returned to the boys, before taking Jacob's cup, downing his drink. Mattheo rolled his eyes, before walking away, suddenly up to a girl with black hair. He smiled at her, and immediately she smiled back at him. He whispered something in her ear, and she agreed to something. Suddenly he swung his arm over her shoulder, before leading her into the boys dormitories.

"I need a smoke," I said as I headed for the balcony.

"Grass before glass Lee," Jacob said as he stopped me. "You can wait until morning."

I groaned but stayed.

Five minutes later, I found my own hand on Jacob's chin, drawing him into lust. Plan 5.

"What about we head to my dorm?" he suggested, making me smirk.

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