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TW: Death

"So it's been you all along?" Mattheo asked in disbelief, seeing me sit down against the closed door.

I sighed, small tears falling down my cheek. "I should have been honest from the start. But I wasn't." I fiddled with a violet string around my wrist. "When we applied to Hogwarts, I had asked Professor Dumbledore to erase every trace of my name and replace it with Lee. He understood my circumstances and agreed. Since I stepped into Hogwarts, my name was Lee, and no longer Bell."

Mattheo sighed, pushing his hand through his hair. "So we've been hunting a ghost?" he asked, suddenly making me look up, seeing him look at the others. "There's no such girl as Belle in Hogwarts?" he asked, making me frown.

Everyone agreed in, making me grow a soft smile. "Thank you Mattheo," I whispered, making him look at me nervously.

"Guys!" Enzo said, reversing in panic as he held his arm out. We all looked at him, suddenly seeing his tattoo move around.

"Uh," Pansy said in panic, making us look at hers, seeing it move as well.

"He is calling us," Draco said as he, Blaise and Jacob noticed their tattoos wither as well.

Suddenly Alex's breaths were hard. "M- mine as well?" he said, making me fling around in shock, suddenly seeing the same tattoo on his arm. "He's calling us all!"

"Alex?" I questioned, walking towards him.

"No!" Mattheo yelled, before leaping forward, wrapping his arms around me as he pulled me back.

Suddenly they all turned into black smoke, before all flinging out of the window, shattering it. Astoria was missing as well, which ment only Mattheo and I remained. I was in shock, shaking. Mattheo let go of me, causing me to swing around, seeing him look down at his arm, seeing it shiver as well.

"Mattheo?" I questioned, seeing him hold his arm out in front of him, looking at his tattoo.

"No, Lee, stay back."

Without listening, I grabbed his hand, before he suddenly turned into black smoke, vanished out the window as well. We flew across the lake, where I felt Mattheo wrap his arms around my neck and head as he kept me tightly against his body. I wrapped my arms around his torso. We held on to each other as we flew across the cold sky.

Suddenly we fell apart, before falling onto the cold floor of a house. I opened my eyes, seeing Mattheo rushing to me, pulling me up to my feet, before wrapping his arms around my body; him standing behind me.

My eyes suddenly adjusted, seeing many people stand in the room, all looking at us. I noticed Enzo, Pansy, Draco, Blaise, Jacob, and Alex standing there as well, but they were looking at the other people. Theo stood with them. The body of a girl caught my attention, when suddenly I froze at the sight of Astoria's lake on the floor.

Behind a nooseless, bald-headed guy, stood someone I'd recognize from anywhere. Her white stripe, crazy hair, and crooked smile made her impossible to miss. Bellatrix Lestrange.

"Well done Mattheo," the nooseless, bald-headed guy said, sending shivers down my spine. Voldemort. AKA: Tom Riddle.

"No!" Mattheo yelled as he pushed himself in front of me. "You can't do this!"

Bellatrix took a few steps forward, looking at us with a smirk. "Oh come on Matty, you can't be serious?" she asked playfully, making me shiver. She sounded just like me. JUST LIKE ME!

"I'm not giving her to you!" Mattheo made sure that I was standing tightly behind him so that he knew I was safe.

"You all failed at your tasks. Every. One. Of. You." Voldemort sounded a lot slower than I thought. "Just fix a cabinet. Find a girl. Get a girl out of my sons way. And kill your headmaster. Is it that hard?"

I shivered.

"Father, you cannot do this!"

"I can do what I want! I am Lord Voldemort!"

Mattheo took a step back, making me press harder against his back, but he forced me to stand still.

"Oh Bella!" I heard a taunting, singing voice ask. "Come to your mother!"

"No," I whispered, before cupping my ears. "No, no, no," I kept whispering, and I could tell Mattheo knew I was getting scared, for once.

"Father, let us go, please."

Voldemort laughed. "You think just because my wife gave birth to you, you have more right than any other death eater? She has made you soft Mattheo. She has weakened you. She made your eyes turn away from glory, victory."

Mattheo shacked his head. "No father. She hasn't. She has made it all more clear to me. Everything. There's more to life than wanting glory. I'm not like you."

I slowly lowered my ears, looking up at Mattheo. 'Nothing like his father,' were the words suddenly repeating in my head.

"Mattheo, don't be stupid now," Bellatrix said, boiling my blood. "She's a silly girl. Stupid and worthless."

I had had it.

"Worthless?" I asked in disbelief as I shot out from behind Mattheo. "You made me worthless."

Bellatrix smiled. "My baby can talk..."

"I'm not your anything. I'm not your baby. I'm not your blood. And I'm certainly not your daughter."

Her smirk faded. "Worthless."

I took a deep breath, before Mattheo suddenly wiped his wand out, and suddenly everyone did.

"Give us the girl" Voldemort said, taking a step forward, his voice careless. "And you'll all be left alone."

"Over my dead body," Mattheo said, pushing me behind him. "She was my only request father. My. Only. Request."

"Avada Kada-"

"!" Mattheo yelled, suddenly blinding Voldemort's view.

He grabbed my hand, before we suddenly turned into a black smoking figure, flying back out the window, over fields. Suddenly someone crashed into us, sending us stumbling to the ground.

I looked around, before standing up, seeing many wizards fighting around me. I had my wand tight in my hand, yelling a spell as I flicked it at the people surrounding us. Everything was so blurry. I couldn't focus on the people yelling, but I just kept shooting spells at the death eaters, trying my best to just stay safe.

"There's too many!" Enzo yelled.

"We need to get out of here!" Draco yelled back, making me look around, noticing how there were a lot few death eaters, but there were still a lot.

Jacob collapsed to the floor, and soon Blaise as well. Without noticing what had happened, I looked as everyone cast more and more spells. Theo collapsed, and soon did many other death eaters.

"Lee!" Alex yelled, causing my eyes to fly open, seeing him rush over to me.

Before he reached me, Mattheo jumped up, grabbing my hand, making me look at him. Suddenly when I looked back at Alex, a voice yelled an unforgiving curse, sending my entire heart to shatter. Everything went silent when I suddenly froze, meeting the eyes of Alex's, before he suddenly fell to the ground, his wand falling.

"No!" I yelled in pain as I watched him hit the ground.

Everything had suddenly felt shattered, broken. I had just watched my soulmate fall to the ground, his eyes no longer carrying these of the living as they looked empty at me, lifeless.

Arms wrapped around me as I tried running towards him. My eyes were on his as I cried out his name. I couldn't bare the feeling, the thought, the memory. I was pulled back, pulled away from Alex's body. I kept crying out his name, trying to free myself from the fiery arms of someone trying to save me.

I couldn't leave him. Not ever.

Before I could do anything, I had been covered in black smoke once again, flown away. I closed my eyes, fearing at who had taken me, or where I was going.

Something that had suddenly filled my mind was Alex, and what I had just witnessed.

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