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I walked down the stairs from Astrology, on my way to my free period. I knew after my free period was lunch, then Herbology. Planning on skipping lunch filled my mind as I walked down the hall.

It was quiet, merely soundless. I saw no child in sight, all mostly in their classes or behind the herbology classes smoking. I held my books against my chest, heading down the hallway, soon the courtyard. The air was open, the blue sky brightening the warm day. I knew that soon autumn, then winter would arrive, so this was quite peaceful and enjoyable.

Some unfamiliar shivers fell over me, like eyes were on me. I slowed my pace, quite curious about who's eyes they belonged to. In the corner of my eye I saw a black and green robe walk down the hall, someone a bit unfamiliar. They kept their pace, before disappearing behind some walls. Shaking it off, I continued walking through the courtyard, towards the stairs.

Right before I could step down the first step, a Slytherin jumped in front of me. He stood a step below me, but still stood face-to-face with me. I recognized him as the boy who joined Hogwarts this year, Mattheo Riddle.

"May I help you?" I asked calmly, looking at his dark brown eyes.

A smirk flew on his lips, before looking me up at down with his eyes. "I think I saw you at the Slytherin table the last few nights," he said with a flirtish-tone.

"Probably," I said emotionless. "Unless you're blind and might have seen some other girl who might look identical to me, which I highly doubt." I smiled, trying not to seem to obvious that I didn't care about what he wanted. Only now I noticed that he wasn't far away from me, actually quite close.

"And who might you be?" he asked with his smirk.

I looked him up and down, quite uninterested. "I am who I want to be. And what I am, is late." The sarcastic lie flew faster out my lips than I took thinking about it.

Mattheo gave a devious chuckle, looking around. "I don't like lies. At this time you're already late princess," he said, looking at me with a slightly tilted head. Oh that chuckle...

I raised an eyebrow, feeling quite offended. "I'm no one's princess," I said bluntly.

With those words I turned and walked past him, down the stairs. He grabbed my arm, stopping me. I looked up at him and gave a chuckle.

"Why aren't you scared of me?" he asked with a confused smile.

I gave a chuckle, tugging my arm away. "Like Professor Dumbledor said, you're nothing like your father. Am I right?"

Without waiting for a response I turned around and continued down the stairs, to Hagrid's hut. I felt Mattheo's eyes on me as I walked down the field. I walked to the small hut in the middle of the field, next to a small pumpkin patch. I took a step up, knocking on the door. I could hear scurrying inside, making me smile. The door flew open seconds later, showing my favourite giant.

A smile grew on his lips when he saw me. "I was wondering when you'll swing by," he said in a cheerful tone. A giggle escaped my lips. He looked into his hut, before looking back at me. "Uhm- Harry and Ron are here if you don't mind."

He took a step aside, showing the two boys sit awkwardly on a bunk in the corner, looking at me. When Harry looked at me, I felt like leaving, but I had no time to get captured in the past. I smiled, looking back at Hagrid.

"Not at all," I smiled.

He gestured me to enter, and so I did. I sat down across from Harry and Ron but didn't glance at them.

"So, what brings you by?" Hagrid asked excitedly as he sat down, causing a small shake in the hut.

Unbothered I pulled one of my books out, looking back at him. "Well, how could I go an entire first day without seeing my favourite half-giant?" I joked, making him laugh.

"Oh, how sweet of you," he thanked, making me giggle.

"We were just leaving," Ron said, sounding a bit terrified.

"Oh, please don't!" I said instantly. "I just came by, I won't be long, at all," I promised, before opening my book. I pulled out a piece of paper, handing it to Hagrid. "I just wanted to give this, thanking you for last year's help in Care of Magical Creatures. I really appreciate it!"

Hagrid took the piece of paper, smiling when he read it. "Oh, thank you dear," he said, smiling at me.

I stood up, looking at Ron and Harry. "See you cubs around!" I smiled, before walking to the door. "Bye Hagrid!" I greeted before walking out and back up to the courtyard.

The Riddle behind it all {M.R.}Where stories live. Discover now