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I did as he asked, and after dinner, while Enzo, Draco and Pansy were still eating, I went to his old dorm. I snuck under his bed, where I found a small clip. I clicked it, when the wood suddenly opened, and a book fell out.

Dusting it off, I picked it up, before sitting down on his bed. Without thinking twice, I opened it.


Mattheo Riddle. My own little Diary.

If someone's reading this: either I'm dead, or they will be within seconds. And if it's Lee, I'm glad.


Entry 1:

Well. I guess I'll keep myself sane while in this prison by keeping some dory of journal or whatever. I have one task: Find the Girl, Belle. It's funny, because as far as I heard from Draco, there's no such person in out year named Belle. Great.


Entry 2:

I saw a girl. I'm not saying I like her, but I saw her. The prettiest eyes. The most stargazing brown hair. The most devious smile. The cutest laugh. It's hard to know that I'm screwed.

Belle is nowhere, no one. She can wait.


Entry 5:

Her name is Lee. A goddess I might saw. Sure, she's a bitch. A rude, selfish, hot, breath taking bitch. Draco told me not to mess with her, but fuck. I know that I am.


Entry 10:

She's a Lestrange! I'm not shocked. She's crazy. But yet I am shocked. And yet I still did something stupid. I leaned in. As in for a kiss. A kiss?!


Entry 13:

I didn't expect her to be on the quidditch team. I also noticed how smart she is. She's smart, hot, and rude. A perfect match. Beyond being a Lestrange, she's quite sweet.


Entry 17:

She's so creative. She bloomed an entire tree, with just the flick of her wand. I've noticed she really liked Violet. I also learned that she's not to be messed with. Apparently she had a terrible past. I can't see her as someone broken. She's perfect. She has a death wish though. A big one.

And I'm also screwed with my task. My dad is going to kill me.


Entry 24:

She's hot. I kissed her. I kissed Lee. She is breath taking and hot. And my dumbass kissed her. I gave her my shirt. I went numb. She's hot.


Entry 31:

There's more to this girl that I don't know about. A boy she is crazy about. She's loose, and it needs to come to an end. I cat have her going around and looking like a slut. She's not allowed to be touched.


Entry 33:

She's not who I thought she was. Yeas, she's still making me crazy about her, but now more than ever. She was a drunk, she is a drunk. She is traumatized somehow. She's a secret. I need to know her. Its killing me that I don't. I'm dying.


Entry 37:

She's a badass at quidditch!


Entry 38:

Okay. She beat the fuck out of a Weasley. God I think I'm falling in love.


Entry 40:

We were at a party. Slytherin parties are hella fun. Lee can drink a lot though. She almost got herself detention. But I think that she's got something in her that actually makes her a soft person. I've seen her with Austin, and she's actually soft. She's amazing and just- urgh.


Entry 47:

Something is off with her. She vanished off with a girl she almost beat to death and returned looking upset. She knows something and merlin I beg she doesn't do something stupid.


Entry 63:

She's in danger. My dad wants her dead. I can't. I can't loose her. She's the only one keeping me sane at the moment. The only one.


Entry 70:

I gave her her gift. She was happier than happy. I could see it.


Entry 81:

I'm sure as hell going to kill her uncle. He touched her, and he is going to pay. I also don't like his son. Alex. He is too controlling over Lee. Like he owns her. He is working on my fucking nerves.


Entry 90:

We've been trying to get this girl. But it's impossible. Belle doesn't exist. Worst of all: Alex is in it all as well. We just want her safe, and I agree. With Lorenzo's task, it's going to be a bit easier.


Entry 92:

Stargazing. That was what I chose to do. I knew I had to leave, and I did. She's going to be mad, but my father gave me no choice. Only for a few weeks. Then I can go back, just a little different.


Entry 95:

God, she hates me. she hates me completely. "Fuck you Lee!" were my words to her. FUCK!


Entry 113:

I did what had to be done. I fucked someone else, and just when she arrived with my homework. I hated the look on her face, but I had no fucking choice!


Entry 124:

She's making me regret my life right now. She fucked someone else. NOT ME?! And god I hated her for it, or I tried to. I tried to talk, but she wasn't having it. FUCK IT!


It all stopped there, just when the death eaters appeared.

On the last page, a folded paper dropped out, onto my lap. Curiously I dropped the book, before noticing my name on the note. I unfolded it, confused.


My princess. Lee Lestrange.

I know that you'll read this eventually, when I'm either gone, or dead.
I loved you since the day you pulled my shirt on at the lake.
I've loved you ever since. I've never meant to hurt you.
I've fallen in love with you.
And I don't you to cry because I'm gone, I don't want you to shed a tear.
Because I'm watching over you, even at the times that you don't see me.

I love you, so, so, so much.

Your Prince. Mattheo Riddle


Footsteps entered the dorm, just as I dropped the letter, making it clear that I had been sobbing. Pansy noticed I hat Matty's Diary in my hand, which made it all clear.

"Oh, Lee," she said, walking to me.

"He's really gone," I sobbed, before she wrapped her arms around me. "He's really gone."

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