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"Do you have your jumpers?"

"Yes mum," Ron said as he rolled his eyes.

"And your shoes?"

"Yes mum! I have everything!" Ron said as he looked at Ginny with wide eyes.

"Okay, okay. Now get on the train!" Molly said as she planted a kiss on Ron's head.

With laughter we all entered the train, before Ginny, Hermione, Ron, and Harry entered the first available cart.

"I'll see you guys at Hogwarts," I said, leaning into the cart.

"Aww," Ginny said with a light pout. "Aren't you joining us?"

I giggled, shaking my head. "No, sorry. We've got other friends we haven't seen in a month. But I'll see you guys around school!"

Before we waited for a response, Alex and I made our way down the train to the far back. I walked in front, with Alex following after me. we managed to walk through without needing to push and shove a few kids, but eventually we made our way to the last carriage where we have always usually boarded.

"Lee!" Pansy yelled as she noticed me approach them.

I smiled, before she came running to me. her arms wrapped around my neck as I wrapped mine around her waist. If she could hug me any tighter than she did then, I'd explode.

"Oh gosh I missed you!" she said as she let go of me.

I laughed before stepping aside. "I've brought us a gift," I said, revealing Alex.

With and excited smile she jumped forward, wrapping her rms around Alex in joy. I laughed before entering the last cart, seeing all the boys sitting down. immediately they jumped back up, greeting me.

"Lee," I heard a deep, recognizable voice say, grabbing my attention.

"Goodness!" I said, looking at the tall brunette boy. "Jacob!" I wrapped my arms around his neck as he lift me higher into the air, wrapping his arms around my torso. "It's been ages!"

He kept a tight grip on me as my feet hang dangling. Jacob and I were extremely close on a time. As one could say, it seemed like we were dating once, but everyone knew we weren't. Not that we were flirtish, but that we were close. It wouldn't have been weird when he lift me into the air for a hug, or when he would lightly play with my hair. But yet, that was years ago.

He dropped me to my feet, before lightly lifting my hair. "You still kill your hair with dye?" he asked rhetorically, making me laugh.

When Mattheo stood up, he grew a smirk, but I just shook my head as I giggled.

"It's good to see you again," he said as he hugged me.

I rolled my eyes playfully, before feeling him squeeze me tighter to his body. "Oh. Air, air!" I gasped, making him drop me immediately.

"Are you okay?" he asked as he looked into my eyes.

I giggled. "I'm fine. I just need oxygen to survive."

"Lee," Alex said behind me, grabbing my attention.

He entered after Pansy, before noticing Mattheo. Their eyes met, making the room silent. I didn't know why, but they seemed to be giving each other a death stare.

"Alex," I said, grabbing his attention. "This is Mattheo Riddle. Mattheo," I said, grabbing his attention. "This is Alex McKinnon."

With nothing more than looking each other up and down, they both sat back down.

On the one side of the cart, Jacob, Draco, and Theo sat. on the other side, Enzo, Alex and Mattheo sat. Pansy and I sat on the ground, refusing to take the couches. She sat in front of me as I braided her hair for the fun of it. I wore mine loose, helping me cover up my bruised eye.

It had been a week since it had happened, but it was still light purple around my eye. I didn't want them to see it, knowing that I'd get millions of questions from them.

"So, what did you four do this holiday?" I asked as I tied up Pansy's hair.

They boys all looked at each other, before Draco spoke first.

"We did the casual stuff boys do on a holiday..."

I raised an eyebrow. "And what was that? Summoning a demon?"

They looked at me with wide eyes. "You think that's what we do?" Theo asked in fear.

I laughed. "I'm joking." They all sighed in relief. "I mean, Ginny, Hermione, Alex, Harry, Ron and I tried with this Muggle thing, but I don't think it worked."

Draco frowned. "I'm sorry, who all?"

I looked at him, realising that he was totally confused. "Oh, yeah we were bored so we pulled out this demon ascending board game from a closet and tried it. I don't think it worked though."

"They were all scared of you," Theo mumbled, earning a death glare from me.

"Or they just possessed me?" I said and shrugged.

Theo looked at me with wide eyes. Theo looked more terrified than ever before, looking from person to person around the room. I laughed, causing the others to laugh with me. All Except Draco. He sat looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Wait, wait, wait," Draco said with a frown. I looked at him as I gave my last laugh. "You actually hanged out with the Gryffindorks all holiday long?"

I shrugged. "Well, yeah." Suddenly everyone looked at me in silence, a bit shocked, but not showing it. "I mean, Alex was always out on dates during the day, so I was mostly alone. And plus, they aren't as bad."

"As bad?" Blaise scoffed. "You know you're talking about the people you hate?"

"The mudblood you bullied since third year?" Theo questioned.

"The Weasley you always threw a punch at when she passed you in the hallway?" Blaise added.

"The red head who's robe you set to fire in fifth year?" Theo added along.

"And the golden boy who has made your life hell?" Draco said, making me sigh.

"Well, I mean yeah-"

"Guys, leave her be," Pansy said, silencing the boys. "It was one holiday, and she was bored. She'll be fine."

I smiled softly.

I knew that maybe I had been to hard on Hermione, Ginny, and Ron a bit. I mean, I didn't care about Harry, but Ron was actually sweet and friendly. Hermione was really smart and fun when you get to know her. And Ginny was quite similar to me. not quite in household wise, but she was also strong headed, determined and not scared of starting a fight.

The Riddle behind it all {M.R.}Where stories live. Discover now