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My eyes opened, bonging with a headache. I sat up, looking around the room. With a sigh of relief I stood up, knowing I was in my dorm. I slipped into the bathroom where I got dressed into fresh clothing. A mini-skirt, crop top and sneakers. I tightened a violet string around my neck, acting as a choker.

Only when I exited I noticed that Blaise, Draco, and Alex had passed out in my dorm. Along with the girls of course.

I exited in silence with a bag over my shoulder which contained a few books and snacks. I ended up finding my way to the common room. The place was a mess. Empty alcohol bottles and red cups everywhere. A few passed out bodies, and a lot of trash.

With thinking twice, I found a black plastic bag, which I immediately filled with plastic cups and glass bottles. The few bottles I found which still contained alcohol, I emptied in the sink in the bathrooms.

Afterwards, I took the garbage bag to the disposal garbage's before I made my way to the courtyard.

I sat down on an empty bench, crossing my legs in front of me, with a book on my lap.

After at least two hours of living the life of a princess in a castle near the ocean, someone dared to snatch the book from my hands, bringing me back to reality. I looked up, meeting the brown eyes of Mattheo Riddle.

"What?" I asked bluntly, not moving a muscle. He had a smug grin on his stupidly hot face.

"The common room was quite clean this morning when I entered, was it you?"

"There are a lot of Slytherins-"

"But barely any were awake by the time I woke up. Of course I made a swing by your dorm to see if the boys had a place to crash, only to find your bed empty."

"For all you know, I could have slept anywhere except there."

Mattheo laughed, looking at my serious expression. "You're cute when you lie."

I scoffed, before jumping up grabbing my book. "Now leave me alone!" I said, before walking back towards the hallways.

His hand wrapped around my arm, before pulling me to walk the other way. I rolled my eyes, but for some reason I turned around, walking down the courtyard stairs. He walked next to me, giving me a good visual of the knife in his pants pocket. Quickly I manged to slip my hand in without notice and snatch his knife.

"Where to?" I asked as we reached the grass.

"Quidditch fields," he said as he popped up next to me.

"The others better be there, or you'll be dead by dawn."

Mattheo chuckled. "Yeah, they are princess."

I scoffed. "Don't call me princess," I said, before walking faster, reaching the fields first.

I entered, before seeing everyone on the floor, all looking dead. Pansy, Astoria, Draco, Blaise, Enzo, Jacob, Alex and now Mattheo and I included.

I dropped to the grass next to Alex, where he looked at me, not looking like he was hammered last night at all. Then it hit me, he wasn't. Besides him, Mattheo, Astoria and Enzo also weren't hammered last night, surprising me.

"Please, oh god please tell me you have a smoke for me," I asked, looking at Enzo.

"For a fuck you're not smoking!" Mattheo said as he sat down across from me.

I laughed. "And for a fuck I need one!" I said, before Enzo handed me a cigarette filled with weed, and a lighter.

I light it up, but before I could take the first drag, Mattheo plucked it out from between my lips, before killing it against the grass.

The Riddle behind it all {M.R.}Where stories live. Discover now