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"Lee?" Austin asked as he stepped beside me.

I looked at him, growing a smile when I saw his dimples. "Well, hello my little rattlesnake. To what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked, sitting my book down beside me.

He wiped his eyes, before giving a yawn. "I was wondering if I could sit with you for a while?"

I smiled, before patting the empty seat on the couch next to me. Austin smiled, before sitting down next to me. Quickly I gestured for him to lay on his back, and he did, placing his little head on my lap.

"And how was your day?" I asked, trailing my pinkie-finger up and down the bridge of his nose.

He giggled, and I quickly noticed his eyes getting gloomy. "Well, I met someone."

"Yeah?" I asked, seeing him flicker his eyes open as he fought against falling asleep.

He giggled. "Her name is Arora."

I smiled. "Arora. It's a pretty name for a girl," I said, making him smile.

"I think my big sister has a prettier name," he mumbled, sounding more and more sleepy.

"I gasped softly. "She does? What's her name?"


Before I could respond, he had already dozed off into sleep. I pulled the blanket off the leaning of the couch, before throwing it over his small figure. I returned to reading my book, but before I noticed, I had also fallen asleep, right there on the common room couch.

I was a big sister? Not by blood, but by choice?


Lightly I felt a warm hand touch my shoulder, giving a light nudge. Slowly I opened my eyes, meeting these of little Austin.

"Good morning Lee," he said, making me smile, along with a giggle.

"Morning little Rattlesnake," I said, making him giggle. I sat up, looking around the empty common room.

"It's nearly breakfast. Maybe we should go get dressed." Austin started folding up the blanket, before throwing it back over the leaning.

I smiled. "Thank you for waking me," I said, before he vanished off to his dorm.

The Riddle behind it all {M.R.}Where stories live. Discover now