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The sun had barely showed up in the horizon, still leaving the entire place pitch black. Pansy, Astoria, and I had already snuck out of the common room and down the halls, out of the castle. We snuck to the lake, where we noticed Draco and Mattheo already waiting, with two baskets, picnic baskets, and blankets.

Astoria smiled and grabbed me by the hand, immediately pulling me and rushing down to the boys. I grabbed Pansy's hand and pulled her along, all three of us giggling. Astoria let go of my hand and dropped down onto the black and green blanket that Draco had laid out. Pansy followed after her and fell down as well, but she laid on her back, looking up at the dark leaves. I just smiled, placing my bag down against a log, before walking to the lake, which was lightly lit by the shy sun.

Mattheo looked at me as I looked over the water, to the approaching sunrise. I wore a loose dark green short, with a white crop top and some boots. My hair was up in a messy bun, with the green strides blending in as it started coming out. I had a violet lint around my neck, looking like some sort of chocker.

"Yoo!" Blaise yelled as he came down out of the forest with Theo following.

"'Bout time," Pansy laughed as I turned around. "The sun is about to rise, and you were going to miss it."

I laughed as I walked to them. Blaise sat down behind Pansy, letting her sink into his arms. Draco seated himself next to Astoria, holding her hand and Theo sat down on a log. I sat down on an extra blanket that Mattheo had thrown out, next to him. He looked at me and smiled, while my eyes were on the sunrise over the lake.

The colours started to spread over the sky, colouring the sky in. I started at it in amazement. I have always liked the sunrise, or even a sunset. My eyes were locked on the orange, yellow and red sky. The parting clouds were shimmered. I slipped off my boots, placing them down next to a log, next to my bag.

"Wow," Astoria smiled, losing her own eyes in the view.

"Lee, you were so smart when thinking about doing this." Theo smiled, making me look at him. "This is amazing."

I gave a chuckle, looking around us before back at the sunset.

We sat in the silence looking at the sunset ahead of us for a while. As it started rising and the sky was almost completely blue, everyone started conversations and laughter spread. The boys brought good snacks: Strawberries, nuts, marshmallows, muffins, fresh pancakes, pretzels and even heart shaped biscuits. Pansy, Astoria, and I all found it quite sweet, but also quite confusing, knowing they couldn't do or bake it themselves.

Blaise and Pansy were mostly against a log, joking with each other and play fighting. They were laughing and nudging each other, but still keeping their attention at the conversations. They would look at each other and just burst into tears like they had hundreds of inside jokes. We'd look at them and start laughing along, not even knowing what they were laughing about. Sometimes they'd just start laughing louder, making us crack up. Blaise had an hilarious laugh and Pansy laughed like a cute baby dolphin. Together they were the sweetest couple sort of friends.

Astoria mostly snacked on the millions of strawberries that never seemed to have an end. I easily figured the boys put a spell on the food, which was quite smart when having at three girls with them, who quite loved snacking. She giggled along a lot, which was that cute soft giggle of hers. She will cover her mouth with her hand if she has food in her mouth, but she had the urge to laugh or even giggle.

Most of the conversation was held by Theo and Draco, but sometimes Pansy talked along. They would talk about DADA or transfiguration, two subjects that only I didn't take. They would talk about grumpy Professor Snape and how he would drown them in homework. Or the hard work they had to study for transfiguration. I would just listen and observe.

After a while I would give a laugh and snatch a few pretzels, my favourite type of snack. I would look over the lake some times and just loose myself in it. The sky was already light and there were barely any clouds in sight. It wasn't too warm, but clearly not showing the coming of autumn.

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