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I sat outside the window, my feet dangling over the windowsill. I looked over the quidditch field, excited for the next day's practice. I've trained almost every day in the vacation, mostly to just get out of the house.

In the distance I saw an owl fly my way. I was confused as I had no mail, never got any. It had clearly flow around the castle, as it was flying against it. The white wings landed on the sill next to me, handing me the letter. It was sealed and everything but didn't seem like it flew many hours to me, mostly like a few minutes at the most. My name was on top: Lee Lestrange.

I lightly stroked my hand over the owl's head, before she jumped up and flew off. The stamp that was melted onto the Letter had a flower on it, a rose. I smiled at the green stamp, before turning around and plucking a knife out of a little cup on the inside of the windowsill. I slit the stamp open and pulled out a paper. It had a neat handwriting, all proper and in ink.


Dear Lee.

I was wondering if you'd like to meet me at the courtyard tomorrow before sundown.

I was wondering if you'd maybe want to get a drink at the three broomsticks and go for

a light stroll? Oh, and maybe don't wear a dress, we don't know what the weather will be like?

Consider this an anonymous date? Well, until you meet me.


I smiled, turning the paper around, looking for any sort of clue who it might be. But there was nothing of any sort. I jumped back into my dorm, when the two girls came walking into the dorm, both looking like the hangovers they were having.

"Afternoon you two," I said, not looking their way, but walked over to my bed.

Pansy frowned, falling down onto her bed. "What happened last night Lee? Why does my head hurt?" She groaned, followed by Astoria who just fell down on the carpet, on her back.

I giggled. "You got wasted and passed out. You've been asleep all morning." I turned to them, hear both of them groan again. "And you missed breakfast and lunch. All five of you." Confused Pansy turned to lay on her back with her head hanging off the side. "Don't do that," I began, "it'll give you a bigger headache."

Pansy smiled. "I like pain," she mumbled. "Wait, what five of us?" she questioned, looking at me confused. "When we left, Theo and Blaise were still blacked-out. Who else skipped the day?" she asked, grabbing her head again.

I giggled. "Mattheo. Draco and I woke up at the same time. We thought about pranking you, but we decided not to."

"Where's Draco now?" Astoria asked, sitting up. "He wasn't in his dorm, neither was Mattheo."

I shrugged. "Draco and I parted after breakfast. I didn't see him at lunch." I walked over to the closet, pulling out two random shirts and two pairs of jeans. Throwing them at the two sleepy heads, I giggle. "Get dressed you two!" I said, hearing them groan again afterwards. "Or I'll drag both of you into the showers!"

With a smile on my lips I exited the dorm and down the stairs, hearing the two girls mumble behind me, making me laugh. I walked into the common room, seeing many students around the room. I walked past them and out of the common room, into the hallways. Down the rows of classrooms, I noticed Mattheo, and Draco enter a classroom with Professor Snape. That was odd.

Nether the less, I shook it off. They probably just wanted to discuss the Potions homework.

I made my way to the library, where I snatched a book. I sat outside in the courtyard, basically hiding behind the book.

To be honest, I wasn't reading. I was actually trying to figure out who sent me the letter. It was sweet, caring, but mostly mysterious. For all I knew, it could have been Dylan. But who knew?

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