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The next day wasn't fun for me at all. I skipped breakfast, lunch, and dinner, managing to avoid everyone. I knew that they didn't do anything wrong, but I couldn't face all the questions of why I burst out the room and returned after everyone fell asleep. I had removed myself completely from everyone around me, keeping to myself. I didn't even say a word to Pansy and Astoria.

I trampled down the stairs from Astrology, my last period, and walked into the hallway. Everyone seemed so happy. Smiles on their faces and laughs in their voices.

As I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, I jumped around, suddenly seeing Theo stand behind me. He had his bag over his one shoulder, hanging over his hip. He looked at me with worried eyes, something I never saw on him.

"Theodore!" I gasped. "You gave me a fright!" I gave a light, short laugh, making him smile.

He gave a laugh. "Sorry. I just saw you walking alone and didn't want to call your name. I thought maybe you'd like to take a walk with me?"

I raised an eyebrow but kept my smile. "What? Now?" I asked, looking around me at the children rushing around us.

"I thought maybe it could clear your mind. You looked quite bothered in Astrology..." He gave a soft smile, hoping I'd agree. I raised an eyebrow instead, not knowing we had any subject together. "Please. I also want to talk?"

I smiled again. "Yeah, fine, of course..." For a moment I looked down at my bag and the books in my hand. "Oh, one second," I pulled my wand out of my hair, causing it to fall down, over my shoulders. I pushed my books into my bag and gave a flick of my wand, causing the bag to suddenly disappear. Theo's eyes opened wide. "Okay, we can go," I smiled, looking back up at him.

"Wow. Your hair is really, uhm-" he looked away from me and took a gulp. "Right. ready?" he asked, clearing his throat. He lift his arm, looking down at me. "A walk to the common room?" he asked, a smile suddenly drifting onto his lips again.

"Sure," I said smiling.

I rapped my hand around his arm, and off we went. At first the halls were too noisy to be able to hear anything, but soon after it was a lot quieter. Theo started asking silly questions, like how my day was and what I was planning on doing soon. I was quite confused as why he was so friendly and caring lately but had no intention on asking him.

After a while I realized we had passed the dungeons a while ago.

"Theo, where we off to anyway?" I asked, looking up to him. He gave a small chuckle but kept his eyes in front of him. "Thee?" I asked cautiously.

"Don't worry darling," he said, trampling down some stairs. I frowned, noticing we were on our way down to the fields.

"Theo, we are heading to the fields? Why would we be going to the fields?"

Without an answer, we continued, walking further into the tall grass and messy flowers. I saw a tall rock and pulled my robe off, laying it down on the grey stone. I giggled as Theo let go of my arm and let me twirl into the tall grass. He looked at me as I swayed around, the wind blowing wildly into my hair and lightly blowing up my dress.

At first he didn't notice my skirt being blown ruffly in the wind, but when he did, he noticed a few boys walk down the staircase. He grabbed my hand when he saw them look our way and pulled my in front of him. Theo moved to stand in between me and the boys, who made their way to the greenhouses. Confused I looked at him, and he looked down at me.

"Your dress isn't quite fond of wind," he said with a chuckle.

He let go of me, letting me drop to the grass. I sat down, just at the hill, looking over more fields. The wind was still waving wildly, causing our view to be more amazing. All the tallgrass swayed right, brushing against each other. It was like someone brushed it all aside, causing it all to part away from the school.

Theo sat down next to me, looking over the air fresh grass. Softly I started humming a tune, swaying a bit from left to right.

"How's Alex?" he asked looking down the hill.

I giggled. "He's good. Sent him a letter just this morning early. He has it tough at home, with his dad and everyone..." I sighed.

He looked at me and laughed. "Alex had always had it tough."

I laughed along before looking at him. "Since when do you even care. You two never liked each other. You fought like every day?" I said, making him chuckle. "You caused him to get suspended!"

"I did not!" Theo jumped in defenceless.

I raised an eyebrow, before looking over the fields. "You were part of the fight and vanished the moment the professors arrived. You were the one who almost beat Dylan to death!" I rolled my eyes, keeping them on the valley. "I should actually be beating you to death right now... for what you did to Alex."

"I know you were there, I just- I just don't know," he looked down, avoiding eye contact for a few minutes. "You know, I never hated you," Theo said, turning his head down to me. I frowned, confused as what he ment. "I guess I was just a bit jealous..."

"Jealous?" I asked raising my chin. "Of me?" I gave a chuckle, making him laugh.

He gave me a nudge. "Come on," he joked, still looking down at me. "I mean I always saw you as the better person. You know, around Draco and everyone. Everyone always looked up at you, and loved you-"

"They hate me," I interrupted. He frowned. "I'm feared by everyone. Because I'm the daughter of a sociopath. I am not loved, they act loving, so that I don't 'hate' them." I sighed, looking back over the fields. "You might think we are a loved group, but many outside the Slytherin house hate us completely. Not just fear- but hate."

Theo looked at me, seeing sorrow in my eyes. "You don't quite give them a choice," he said, making me sigh.

"People always expect good from you if you do good. So, I avoid doing good so that people don't just expect good from me." My words were soft, sad. "In a way I just make people expect the worse, so they don't expect me to be joyful all the time."

"Yet now they compare you to your-"

"Bellatrix is not my mother," I interrupted firmly.

Theo looked at me, seeing me look serious, but still staring over the plain fields. "You're not a bad person are you?"

"Not one of us are good people either Theo. We are all mean and rude, and it's us. Being good gets us nowhere. We all know it," I said, followed by a chuckle. I looked at him, seeing his eyes on me. I sighed, before standing up. "Thanks for this Thee. It was nice." I smiled, seeing him jump up.

"Thanks for walking with me," he smiled, standing there awkwardly, looking at me. I gave chuckle, before walking back to the tall rock, grabbing my robe, and pulling it on. "Wait darling!" Thee yelled, running after me. I swung around, seeing him stop in front of me. "I really am sorry about how I treated you. It was not right of me." He gave a smile.

"Thanks," I said softly, before turning around and walking off. I stopped in front of the staircase, turning back to Theo, and smiled. "Oh, Theodore," I yelled, making him turn around. "You need your wand back?"

I lift my hand, showing his wand. In confusion he started patting himself down, before noticing he was indeed missing his wand. He looked at me in disbelief and frowned. A smile spread his lips, knowing I most like snatched it when he kept my dress down. I threw it at him, before giving one last smile.

I trampled up the stairs and vanished into the halls of the castle. I ventured straight to the dungeons, where I made my way to the common room and to my dorm. When I entered, Astoria and Pansy were both sitting on Astoria's bed, looking as I entered. I gave a faint smile as I let the robe slide of my arms and I swung it over my bed.

I walked straight into the bathroom, took a long warm shower, and got dressed in some sweatpants and a crop top. I freshened up and tied my head into a messy bun, before dropping onto the bed with the two girls. We started making silly jokes and gossip about the learners around school, mostly Gryffindors.

That night I dozed offearly, not looking for any reason to go to dinner.

The Riddle behind it all {M.R.}Where stories live. Discover now