The Stormy Night

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Hi! I'm Y/n. You might know all things about me if you read the authors note above. And for my appearance... , well you should know it too cause I'm the reader which means I'm you and you are I. So I look just like you. Well, let's not break the fourth wall here.

First person pov:

It was raining, like a lot, tonight. I was busy packing my bags for my fifth year at Hogwarts. Tomorrow was the day to go to Hogwarts by train at platform 9¾ and I was happy to leave this orphanage again.

You see it wasn't the best place to spend holidays. Since it was a wizard orphanage it had all the orphan wizards and witches and magic just made bullies more powerful, more that you can't fight back without the ministry getting up your ass for using the most harmless spell.

I was clearly the only one able to go to Hogwarts from our orphanage and I could not be more happy about it. All the others got into beauxbatons, durmstrang or ilvermony. Now I had the chance to show myself without worrying of what they would say. As it was new school I could even make friends, I had thought when I got the letter of my first year.

Now it was my fifth year. I had made some friends, not too many, seeing as Slytherins were not considered more friendly. Yep! I'm a Slytherin. And I'm proud of it.

Well as I was packing my bags thinking about everything that had happened these years and also listening to the bickering outside the doors, probably the graduated bullies.
A barn owl flew through the open window with an envelope in its beak. I fed it some bird food that I had bought for treacle, my owl, as I opened the letter. It nibbled the treats and flew away. I sat on bed examining it. It read

From: Albus Dumbledore, head master of Hogwarts school of witch craft and wizardry
To: Y/n L/n

Ouch! It hurt. I really wanted him to put at least the smartest or most mischievous student of Hogwarts after my name, but whatever.

As I opened it, (slowly, for more dramatic effect) and read the letter I facepalmed.

The school has not even started yet. And I get a letter to meet the headmaster at his office. What in the name of salazar is happening!?

I read it twice to confirm what it read:

Miss L/n
I know you will be confused to get a letter at the start of the year. I want to meet you right now in my office. Don't worry you are not in any trouble. It's just some matters we need to discuss on. Professor McGonagall told me not to disturb you at this time (you know her😒) but I know you are always up for a thrilling adventure. Don't worry I've already sent her to pick you up. She will be there as soon you finish reading this.

Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore

I sighed once again. You see since I spent all my Christmas holidays at Hogwarts I got along with all the professors quite well. I talked to them the whole time at Hogwarts as if they were my own family. I knew almost all of their school time stories and of course they knew of mine. And even though professor Snape was not too fond of a conversation I always found a way to talk to him while he made the extra homework assignments and detention plans during Christmas holidays. What a great way to spend Christmas.

Well it was normal for me to see professor McGonagall and headmaster Dumbledore bickering as often as Ron and Hermione. As I was just staring at the letter someone knocked at my door.

"Yes?" I asked.
"Professor McGonagall has come to talk to you Y/n" the warden answered.
"Alright, coming" I said as I got up and sighed.

'Well, then here goes nothing!'

A/n: Harry, Ron and Hermione are in third year now. You are in fifth year with Fred, George and Lee.

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