The Pureblood Ball!

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By the time I reached closer to Riddle, I could get a better view of the place.

It was a huge mansion, surrounded by equally large garden, which was decorated with bushes and marble sculptures.

The bright flowers looked so much alluring in the spotlight of the moon and the white peacock statues by the stairs were now looking much lively up close.

Riddle continued walking forward without a word and I held my dress up to climb the stairs without embarrassing myself.

When we reached the top, the wide open doors revealed the elegant and gracious decorations done in honour of the annual party.

Taking a peek, I was sure I would fit in just fine, even though I felt overdressed just a few minutes ago.

Everyone seemed like they were dressed to one up each other, with flowing dresses and shining jewels.

Tom gave his hand out to me and I held his arm slightly as we walked in.

A few people turned to look at us, while many totally ignored us.

Inside, at the counter closest to the door, stood the Malfoy family, greeting their guests.

The youngest Malfoy noticed our arrival and quickly made his way over to us, his parents right behind him.

Tom turned towards them immediately, fixing his collar once as he shook hands with the older Malfoy.

"Riddle, my boy, its lovely to see you. Finally got yourself a date, I see." said Abraxas Malfoy, who stood in all his glory, wearing complete black with his cane held firmly in his hands.

"It's my pleasure to attend this occasion, sir. This is Y/n L/n. The invite said it would be fine if I brought another person, so I hope it's not an inconvenience." He replied politely.

"A L/n? I had no idea they had a daughter this young!" Mrs. Malfoy exclaims.

"Oh, no Ma'am. You're slightly mistaken. We just share the same last name. I am not related to them in any manner." I replied, quickly easing the confusion.

"Oh, alright then, enjoy the evening both of you. We have other guests to greet." The adults walk away leaving Lucius alone with us.

Tom started a conversation with Malfoy, and I, feeling quite left out, looked around taking in my surroundings.

The place was huge, but it was still filled to the brim with people talking and drinking and dancing.

There were several counters with alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and the floating trays carried a large amount of appetizers for the guests.

My wandering gaze stopped when I noticed Narcissa rushing towards me.

She almost bumped into someone, apologizing haphazardly as she joined us.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

I gave her a sheepish smile. I was aware of the attention I was recieving as Riddle and Malfoy stopped their talk midway.

"I'm here with Tom. Didn't he write to Lucius, I thought you already knew?" I replied and Narcissa now turned her angry glare at her boyfriend.

"Don't stare at me like that. I told you Tom was going to bring a date." He shrugged going back to continue his conversation.

"I didn't think it was you in the slightest. I mean, you said you didn't like him, why would you be his date for a ball?" She inquired.

"Because he asked nicely? I don't need to like him to go to a party together." I said and she looked a little bedazzled.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter. You look gorgeous in that dress. Where did you even buy that?" She now gushed over my dress, moving over her initial anger.

"Diagon alley. I had to get it because apparently, your boyfriend had planned to suffocate me to death. I don't even know why they sell those body binding posture dresses." I said physically shuddering at the feeling. I wasn't a big fan of closed spaces. Never had been.

"Oh, I'm so sorry."

"No, you don't have to be sorry. You didn't do anything."

"Yes,I did! I send that dress." I gave her a skeptical look.

Even though she didn't know it was me, why would she give such a dress to anyone.

"Don't look at me like that! I just thought he was going to bring a sophisticated, prissy, pureblood girl with him. And I was a little annoyed with the ball and my parents and everything. And I just needed a laugh." Narcissa justified and I chuckled at her weird way of doing a prank.

"It's alright, if you hadn't done that, I won't have gone and bought me this amazing dress, would I?" I reassured her.

"Yes, but you would have looked so good in my clothes. We could even have matching dresses and makeup." She said.

"Don't worry, there's always a next time." I told her.

She opened her mouth to reply but closed it abruptly and I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around and took a deep breath when I realised Severus was standing behind him.

He looked furious, his face pale and his slicked back hair in a bun gave him a different look.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to come here? Tell me, are we not good enough friends yet, that I get a letter from Lupin telling me to look out for you? Could you have not informed me yourself?" His voice came out in harsh whispers.

Narcissa moved away from us to give us some privacy but was soon called by an older girl over to a group of ladies laughing in fake, high-pitched voices.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't want to worry you. And I am not going to cause any trouble. I just wrote to Remus because, well, I thought it would be better to get it out to someone. I mean he couldn't have stopped me. But you could have, and I just wanted to give you like a little surprise." I said trying my best to get things together.

Remus was going to have to deal with something a lot more deadly than than the unforgivable curses, when I got my hands on him next time.

"I know, but you still worried me. I was so scared when I read the message. This is really not the place to be. You shouldn't have come here if you had a choice." He said, his voice breaking out halfway through.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry, Sev." I said again and he nodded.

The other two walked closer to us and Lucius spoke up.

"The room is ready. Snape, get the other members." He ordered.

I looked surprised and it must have shown on my face because Riddle turned to me immediately.

"You don't have to join this meeting. You can enjoy your time here." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"That was not the deal. I never agreed to be left alone in a group of strangers. What do you expect me to do? Hold a seance and call an ancestor to keep me company?" I said bitterly.

I had no idea what he thought was going on, but I had not signed up to stay amongst the other guests. I was meant to be extracting information by following him everywhere.

Tom looked around for a bit before turning back to me.

"You don't have to be alone. Black will grant you company." He said gesturing towards the younger boy, who seemed shocked but composed himself and gave a solemn nod.

I sighed, as I knew there was no arguing when the other boys got back.

They walked away, leaving me alone with Regulus Black.

Why can't at least one thing in my life go according to the plan? This is worthless.

I thought as I took a sip of the, actually not that bad, punch.

Well, got to make the best of what you get.

Just like it's said, when life gives you lemons, squeeze them in someone's eyes.


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