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"I'll leave you alone to your thoughts and maybe you can find something actually useful in that little mind of yours." Riddle said before scurrying of to god knows where.

I stuck my tongue at him as he left before turning back to go to the library.

He thought he was some big genius with a mastermind plan. If only he knew as much about me as he thought he did, maybe he would be more careful with his words.

But it didn't matter anymore. I picked up my books from the library walking back to the dorms as I've had enough to study. And I didn't really want to spend my time trying to impress a douche bag like him.



It had been a few days since my last encounter with Riddle and neither of us even made eye contact with each other anymore, which was just fine by me.

After the start of Christmas break most of the students had gone back to their families. Severus also had to leave due to his family wanting to meet their relatives.

Lily too decided to spend time with her family and try to talk to Petunia. The marauders decided to stay.

I had stopped trying to read all the books of the library, finally knowing whatever I did, Riddle will just want to make a fool of me. So, I decided to actually spend time trying to enjoy the new environment around me.

Taking a walk around the castle was actually fun. A visit to the kitchen made the journey even more joyful with cookies and pastries. After eating to my hearts content, I decided to take a walk along the Black Lake and finally strolled my way back to the dormitories, which I was really happy to find empty.

Changing out of my clothes to more comfortable ones, I laid on the bed, yawning lightly. I really needed this break.


Waking up I didn't realise what day today was and just sat on my bed for a while in the quiet. It was nice not having to rush somewhere every time, the first thing in the morning.

Walking over to the closet to choose my outfit for the day I heard a tapping noise from the window. My eyes widened when I noticed Treacle pecking the window with his beak, trying hard to get my attention.

Rushing over to the window I quickly opened it as he stumbled inside, closing it again to make sure no more cold air entered the room.

Treacle flapped his wings before tilting his head hooting lowly, as if in a greeting.

"I'm happy to meet you too, Treacle. But what were you even doing out here this early in the morning." I said. He usually came around in the evening for a treat, and cold mornings weren't really his thing.

He shook his head before walking closer to me on my bedside table where I had seated myself near the table, before pushing forward something that I didn't notice before.

I picked it up and my eyes widened. It was a pretty seashell, with peach colour and a few vermillion stripes.

Treacle had always brought me various gifts for Christmas since the start and it became a tradition to start the day with giving each other gifts. At first it started with dead rodents and squirrels but he soon seemed to realise that i could not actually use them in any way and then the gifts changed. From round rocks to clear stones, flowers to cherry tomatoes, it had always been different and today he got me a seashell.

I knew it definitely was hard for him to get it since there were no beaches nearby and he seemed pretty proud of his choice.

Looking back at my owl, he looked at me expectedly and i chuckled.

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