The Aging Potion

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"You haven't attended the last four meetings. Riddle is furious." Severus said and ordered a butterbeer for himself as me and Lily had already finished ours.

"he can't just get me out of the club. I have a reason for not being able to join." I huffed and Lily smiled at my annoyance.

"well, you better have a good one as he said he will be going to professor slughorn tomorrow." he said and I sighed.

"yeah we'll see what he does." I said determined to get my way.

Let's see how this one goes Riddle.


We both stood in Proffesor Slughorn's office waiting as the Professor was busy due to the coming slug club meeting.

I was a bit afraid when I saw Riddle stood in his office before I arrived. I thought he might have gotten Professor Slughorn to agree to him as he was his favorite student but luckily Professor just told him to wait in the office.

We were in there for almost 10 minutes now neither of us trying to start a conversation. He stood near Professor Slughorn's table while I stayed behind quite close to the door.

"oh, you two are here. My apologies, you know we have to prepare for the Christmas party." Professor Slughorn said as he entered the office walking over to his desk as he took a seat.

"so what did you two want to talk about?" he said placing his elbows on the table and looking at us with an amused glanced as I walked over to the two of them.

"I just wanted to discuss the issue of Ms. L/n's lack of discipline towards our club meetings. We want to make sure all the members are updated and regular so they don't miss any important discussions but Miss. L/n has not attended any of the meetings in the past three days which is really delaying the group progress." Riddle said swiftly and I discreetly rolled my eyes. Such a kissass.

"I'm sure Y/n has a reason for the absence."

"yes, professor. I was actually busy on the muggle studies project and also the potion I was trying out. I had informed Severus of my absence and asked the group to move on without me. If Mr. Riddle was so keen on moving forward with the meetings he should understand that I have a life outside of the club and a few absences really don't provide him with a reason to throw me out of the club." I said and I could feel Riddle's glare on me. As if he thought he could be the only teacher's pet.

"well, Miss Y/n has a point doesn't she. She had a reason for her absence. I advise you both to talk it out. But Miss Y/n I will still want to be attending as many meetings as you could." he said to me resulting in Riddle giving him a look of betrayal before quickly masking it with an understanding smile.

"of course, Professor. I'll make sure of it." I said getting up and walking out of his office, Riddle following my every move.

"you won't get away with this so easily." he said as we passed the potions classroom in the dungeons.

"oh really, what are you gonna do, hex me?" I said stopping to hear what he really had to say.

"hexing you would just be a waste of my time." he scoffed and I rolled my eyes.

"If you can spend half an hour of your oh so precious day trying to get me out of a stupid club you sure do have a lot of time to waste." I said crossing my arms and he looked at me amused.

"if you don't like the club why do you have to try so hard to be a part of it. Just leave and give me a break." he said and I sighed. He really was enjoying it.

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