The Ride Back

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It was around midnight when the feast was over. People started leaving the manor and I guess that was our cue too.

Tom told me to say my goodbyes to my friends and I stood awkwardly with Severus by my side.

"I'm sorry, Sev, if I truly did worry you. I just didn't think it all through and I understand if you don't want to forgive me right now. But I really hope you'd see it my way, sooner or later." I said not meeting his eyes.

It felt as though I had disappointed my parent and it made me feel all queasy and uncomfortable.

"I know, but just- be careful around them. You never know what goes on through their head." He replied and I nodded.

Narcissa stood by the door with the Malfoys as they greeted the returning guests.

Tom was on the side talking to a few others.

I looked back at the people still left. Regulus has left with his family already.

"Do you mind giving Regulus my current address?" I ask Severus and he looks at me thoughtfully.

"Yeah, sure. Any particular reason?" He asked.

"Well, not really. We were just having an interesting conversation and I'm sure it would do him good to make more friends." Severus gave a single nod and turned away.

Riddle finished his conversation and started making his way over to us.

"I'll miss you." I said softly.

For once, I thought he hadn't heard me. But he sighed, shaking his head.

"Write to me?" Severus said and I nodded giving my most appealing smile.

"Time to go. Martha would be waiting." Riddle said and I quickly gave Severus a hug before moving back.

"Take care." I said and we walked over to the gates.

The Malfoys greeted us with perfect practiced smiles and we returned the courtesy.

Narcissa gave me a hug and we were off to the gardens.

"You seem to like Severus a lot." Riddle commented.

"Really, what makes you think that?" I said grabbing my dress to take off my heels.

"Well, you tend to smile a lot more when you're with him, don't you?" He stopped from where he had walked ahead, waiting for me to join him.

"It's because he is my friend. He is nice and doesn't make me feel uncomfortable." I finally pulled them both off my feet and held them in my hands getting used to the hard floor on my barefeet.

"And I suppose I make you uncomfortable?" He enquired.

I looked forward at him and he had a small smirk on his face.

He seemed to be in a very good mood right now, it would definitely not be normal for him to have any expression except a sneer on his face but surprisingly, this change really suited him.

"No, not always. Only when you are all quiet and brooding. It always seems like you are planning something." I replied and jogged to catch up with him, from where we walked together.

"Maybe I'm plotting something." He said. "Maybe you are." I replied nonchalantly.

We reached the end of the garden and started walking in the road side.

"So, how are we going to get back?"

"We'll catch the knight bus."

"No way." I said and looked at him seriously.

He pulled out his wand waved it at the street.

"Hey, you can't just expect me to be fine with that. I just ate and this dress is a hassle to stand in." I said.

"Well, then if you rather prefer sleeping at the Malfoys, I'm sure Lucius won't mind having us." He said mockingly.

"Fine." I mumbled.

It could have been worse.

The knight bus pulled up in a rush and an old men in his 60s opened up the doors.

"Where to?" He said gruffly in an accent that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

"Wool's orphanage, London."

The man nodded and Riddle gestured for me to get on first.

I held on to my heels while trying to also hold my dress up so I could see where I was stepping.

I guess my struggle was not as subtle because Riddle pulled my heels out of my hand and gestured me to hurry.

Soon, we had both mounted the bus and just in time found an empty bed to sit, before the bus sped past in its usual manner.

It barely took a few minutes to get to our destination and Riddle walked out handing the old man his fare.

I stumbled on the grass, trying to find my footing and Tom handed me back my heels.

We slowly walked inside the building, trying not to wake anyone.

Successfully reaching our room, Riddle gathered his clothes and went in the bathroom to change, while I looked through my own clothes to find some comfortable sleepwear.

By the time he was out, I was already half asleep but I still gathered all my consciousness to go to the bathroom.

I stifled a yawn looking at my reflection one last time before changing out of my clothes and brushing my teeth to get ready for bed.

When I walked back in, the room was dim, the only light being my night light.

Tom had already fallen asleep and my bed too looked really alluring right now.

Placing my dress back in my trunk, I made a loose braid of my hair and turned of the lights, tucking myself in.

Just 2 weeks till we return back to Hogwarts.

And then another year to learn and correct the past.

It would be worth it.



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