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I was in the hospital wing.

Apparently, Myrtle's scream had warranteed attention of some other people and several professors had walked in the lavatory, ready to attack.

Professor McGonagall froze when she read the message on the mirror and urged Madam Pomfrey to take me and Myrtle back to the hospital wing to get treated.

After answering a dozen of questions and assuring the said nurse that I was, in fact, unharmed, she left me alone with a calming potion and a piece of chocolate to chew on.

Professor McGonagall approached the bed that I was sat on and waited for me to finish my mouthful.

"We've taken in account everything that you've informed us about the incident, and we'll do our best to look into it. It was very brave of you that you didn't leave your friend in such a situation and kept your guard up until the professors showed up." She praised and I nodded.

"What will happen to her?" I asked. I was aware that she could be treated back to normal, but no one truly knows how much she saw or remembered.

"Well, though we are sure we could take care of her, Myrtle's parents aren't as happy with the situation and have asked Dumbledore to withdraw her name from Hogwarts. Of course, it's her choice in the end, but being  muggles, they are quite sceptical of magic and this isn't the most positive aspect of it." She tried to explain.

It was quite understandable.

I mean if your child almost dies at some place and you send them their again, it is quite faulty parenting from your side.

Unless you're trying to raise a warrior, that is.

"You should rest now, Y/n. Madam Pomfrey will inform you when you're good to go." She said politely and stood up to leave.

"Wait, professor?" I stopped her, wanting to clear some of my own doubts.


"How did you know where we were? I mean if someone had informed you, why didn't they come in to check on us first?" I asked and she smiled.

"Oh, a few students heard the yelling but Mr. Riddle was the one who informed Slughorn of the situation. He hadn't entered the girls lavatory due to respect, but as a perfect, he also couldn't have left the place without informing someone." She said, as if Tom wasn't the same person who let the basilisk out, while standing in the same lavatory.

Well, it was not her fault for believing him. But he wasn't going to get to me with his lies and false facade.

"Anything else you'd like to know?" McGonagall asked but before I could reply I was interrupted by Madam Pomfrey walking back in the wing.

"Your friend is here to see you." She announced and professor McGonagall nodded.

"That's a good thing. You should be out of the hospital wing in no time Miss L/n. Don't worry about anything. The Hogwarts staff will take care of it." She adviced and left the wing.

Madam Pomfrey held the door open and the person I least expected to walked in.

Tom Marvolo Riddle.

Had he seen me? Wait, that's a stupid question. Of course he had. He had been right there.

But did he know that I knew that he was the one who opened the chamber of secrets and almost killed Myrtle? Probably not. And I'd like to keep it that way.

Madam Pomfrey ushered him inside and gestured towards my bed, before exiting the wing herself, probably to accompany professor McGonagall.

"Hello?" I asked more than saying.

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