The Train Back

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The dim evening and the yellowing street lights made the scene even more fascinating and heart warming but this was not going to last long.

Just like the warm beverage in my hands that was gone in a gulp...

Well, I guess one or two more won't hurt. I mean I'll probably need them for the terrifying summer adventure.

Wish me luck!


I walked down the various aisles with my luggage in one hand and Treacle's cage in another as the said bird pecked at the metal, yearning to be let out. I looked through the compartments, noticing familiar faces, but not one of them seemed inviting. After walking for quite a while, I opened another door to be greeted by Avery and Malfoy, seemingly enjoying a quiet conversation.

"Oh, hello! It's been quite some time, L/n." Avery said giving me a flirtatious smile.

I nodded about to go back on my search for an empty carriage when I was stopped by him speaking again.

"Do you have somewhere to be? You could just sit with us, you know? I mean, I would consider us to know each other well enough for a whole year to be able to call each other "acquaintances"." he suggested and I boredly looked at Malfoy's annoyed face.

"I don't think your friend here would feel comfortable to be himself in my presence." I replied and he chuckled.

"And I think neither of us care what he thinks." Avery said now getting up and manually pulling me and my luggage in the carriage, and started helping me sort my trunk on the compartment above the seats.

I thanked him and sat myself down in front of the two boys placing Treacle's cage on my lap as he glared at the unknown faces.

I opened the cage and he immediately took flight around the small compartment, landing on Avery's shoulder and pecking his ear before coming back by my side as I internally winced.

"I'm sorry, he isn't usually that aggressive. He just isn't a fan of new people." I said apologetically and Avery waved away my apology slightly rubbing his reddened ear.

I opened the window and Treacle took flight again, this time straight out of the compartment.

The place got quiet and my fellow companions got into a hushed conversation.

A few moments later, the door opened, and none other than Tom Riddle walked in, in all his glory, wearing black from head to toe. Malfoy got up immediately to help him with his luggage. Riddle gave me a single nod of acknowledgement and took his seat next to mine.

The ride continued with me comfortably staring out of the window, where I would see Treacle, occasionally conversing with other birds, or just enjoying the cool wind.

I didn't realize when I felt asleep, but I was woken up with a light nudge and the sound of people talking through the open carriage doors.

"Do you want something? The lady with the trolley is here." Malfoy asked and I nodded.

Getting up, I fixed my slightly messy hair walking out in the hallway with some galleons in my pocket.

I got a few chocolate frogs and liquorice wands.

I sat back on my seat enjoying the sweet treats and listening to Malfoy arguing with Avery about the potential winner of the Quidditch championship while they feasted on some Berty Bott's Every-Flavour Beans.

The scenery had changed to green hills, lots and lots of them, as far as one could see. The blue sky barely had any clouds, painting the pretty heavens.

I sighed resting my head against the window again, leaning my knees closer to my chest and feeling the wind on my face.


Once again the tiredness took over me and this time I awoke to the sound of loud honking from the train engine signalling that we were soon to arrive at the platform.

I yawned slightly, covering my mouth with my hand and looked around the compartment. Malfoy was not in the small area. Avery had been collecting the trash from the sweets they had gotten and Riddle sat with his luggage tying his shoes.

I decided to wash my face so I won't feel so sleepy and then got down my luggage, beckoning for treacle to come back in the train.

He took a long dive and entered the compartment, in his cage where he rested immediately closing his eyes, tired from all the flying.

I had got his cage hexed so he wouldn't wake up with any unnecessary noises around.

After making sure everything was packed and ready, I put my shoes back on and waited for the train to reach the station.

"I'll be going. They need the Prefects at the station." Riddle said getting up and we nodded.

"You can wait near the barrier for me. The warden can't enter the platform and I don't think it would look good in my record to lose you in the crowd." he added.

"Yeah, yeah!" I said finally seeing the train approaching the platform which was filled with awaiting families.

Soon the train stopped and we got separately on our own ways. I made my way closer to the barrier, trying not to bump into anyone but before I could reach my destination safely, I was stopped by some of my classmates.

Lily immediately pulled me in for a hug leaving no space for Severus who stood to the side watching us. I felt her sob and awkwardly patted her back. She let go of me a while later and I smiled.

"Well, I think someone would miss me." I said and she shook her head.

"I'll miss you so much. Can you really not come visit?" Lily said and I sighed.

"It would be better if I stayed low, you know, with my current living situation and everything."

"Yeah, yeah! Write to me?"she said and I nodded.

Severus smiled giving me a side hug and I messed up his hair.

"No goodbye for me?" came a calm and questioning voice.

I turned around to find Remus standing there, with the other three behind him with Mr and Mrs Lupin.

"Do I have to? I don't like goodbyes. I mean we are going to meet again surely, until you somehow manage to disappear in the 2 months time I leave you with your boy band." I said and he hummed pulling me in a side hug.

"I'll miss you." he said and I smiled letting him hold me."And thank you for the potion."

"Well, you could thank your friends for that. If they hadn't got me the ingredients, it wouldn't have been easy to do all that on my own." I said looking at the other three who were waiting patiently.

"Oh yeah! You should come meet my mom, she's been dying to meet you. I wrote to her about you, you know, and she wants to know all about you." he said pointing to the pretty lady standing behind him who was trying to set James hair from its messy state to something decent.

I looked back at Lily and Severus who were talking to each other, waiting for their parents and then at Riddle who stood by the barrier pointing towards his watch.

I nodded and looked back at Remus.

"Maybe some other day. I'm getting a bit late." I said and he nodded reassuringly.

"Alright! Take care. And keep me informed of everything. Okay?" he said and I nodded hugging him one last time before rushing with my luggage towards the bitter Slytherin.

I didn't realise how much I had started caring for my new friends, but now as I parted from them in this highly unlikely situation, I was sure I'll miss them a sure lot.

Riddle walked through the barrier as soon as I reached their and I too took a step back holding my trolley ready to go after him.

Before going, I gave one last longing look to the bright red Hogwarts express and let my feet lead me towards the muggle King's cross station,feeling a new-found energy surge through me.

It's all going to be worth it.


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