It's alright, I guess

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I walk past them towards the castle.

A great break for me. What was I expecting. *sigh* I just got myself more deeper into the swamp. Its going bad already and I hadn't even had a chance to have a proper conversation with Riddle.

Guess it's just a fucked up plan for me.


As I walked through the castle, I thought about all the possible places I could go to now that my homework and notebooks were drowned. I could either go to my dorm to give myself a pep talk, or go to one of the professors to buy more parchment and the notebooks again.

You see, as I was an orphan, my parents could not send more money or books through owl. I had to have an adult with me if I wanted to take out any money from my Gringotts safe and that facility was only available in Hogwarts during the hogsmeade trips which was next week. I had taken out some money before time turning here but it would not be enough to buy everything I needed, as my quill and ink was also drowned.

I was not going to wait that long. It is going to affect my studies. Oh wait! I'm not actually here to study. But I did pay for those books.

Maybe I should just forget about it and compromise for a few days. Yeah, that would be good. It would not gather any attention towards me and I could get close to Riddle. Thinking this I started going to the dungeons.

But then, I turned back and walked towards professor McGonagall's office. Guess the Slytherin in me could not accept defeat. As I reached in front of her office, I waited for a bit contemplating whether I really wanted to do that. Well, no going back now.

I knocked on her door as I heard a low but clear "come in". I took a deep breath and opened the door closing it behind me.

I saw Proffesor writing something at her desk. She looked at me and turned back to her work.

"what are you doing here, Miss l/n?" she asked as her voice rang through the large room.

"I actually wanted to ask if you were free, professor." I said politely standing in front of her table.

"what for?" she said keeping her quill down and turning her attention to me.

"well professor, I was thinking if you could accompany me to retrieve some money from my gringotts safe."

"If I'm not wrong, you would be going to your hogsmeade trip next week." she asked raising her eyebrow.

"yes but four boys from gryffindor decided it would be funny to throw my books and parchments in the black lake. I was wondering if we could get some money and buy them back." I said and she got up keeping her things away.

"which boys, May I ask?" she said now looking at me directly.

"I assume you already have an idea, at least after the unnecessary chaos yesterday."

"well, if you don't tell me their names yourself, I can't give them any detention."

"it's fine by me. As long as I can get my study materials back. And it's not like one detention will change their ways." I say and Proffesor McGonagall nods.

We both walk out of her office and she locks the door behind us.

"I will be going to inform Proffesor Dumbledore about my absence for a while. You have your key I assume"

I nodded and took out the key from my pocket.

"very well, wait for me here." she says and walks away in her elegant manner towards the headmasters office.

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