The DA club

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Well, even though I was starving for breakfast, the plan was going quite well. After having professor slughorn in my confidence it wouldn't be long before I am asked to join the slug club and that would be my first step to join Riddle's DA club.


2 weeks later-

I was sitting in the potions classroom listening to professor Slughorn talk about his plans for the next class. This class was just about smelling amortentia.

I smelled firewood, fresh parchment and homemade cookies. That's what I always smelled, that's what reminded me of home.

Soon the bells rang, and students started pouring out of the classroom to have lunch at the great hall. I took a deep breath. Today was the day.

You see, only one week at Hogwarts professor Slughorn asked me to join his slug club. He had a few meetings here and there. I made absolutely no friends and the only person who talked to me just to have a conversation was Narcissa.

But I had not made any move for the plan so, I decided, today I was going to talk to professor Slughorn.

Soon the class was empty and I walked over to professor Slughorn's table. He looked over at me and smiled before speaking.

"ah, Miss L/n! one of my favorite students. How can I help you today?" he said as he motioned for me on a chair in front of his table.

"I just wanted to ask your advice, professor." I said.

"for what Y/n?" he asked looking at me curiously.

"well professor, I came to know by other professors that students here organise study clubs on off days. Beauxbatons didn't actually allow us to organise any study or book clubs. So, I was wondering if you could suggest me a club that I could join apart from slug club for Saturday afternoons." I said carefully rethinking my words. The lie regarding clubs in beauxbatons just slipped out of my mouth to sound more convincing. Well, Dumbledore did say I was a perfect liar.

I asked for the time to be afternoon as slug clubs were often in evening. And as Riddle was also in slug club there was no way he could have his club meetings in evening.

"well what subject are you looking for joining?" he asked amused.

"I was thinking of joining dark arts sir since I already am in your club for potions." I said with a smile.

"A knack for potions and dark arts, I see." he smiled back.

"yeah, guess just the Slytherin traits."

Proffesor slughorn thought for a while before standing up to get a roll of parchment from the shelves. "let me see" he said going through the parchment muttering names under his breath.

I just sat their looking at the ingredients of potions all lined up just like professor Snape used to keep them. A small smile made its way to my face remembering my real life after a while but I was soon broken out of my trance by professor Slughorn.

" ah found it. You might know Tom Riddle, right Y/n?" he asked. I tried to maintain my posture and not show him the excitement of my plan working. Alright Y/n, just act normal.

"yes professor, we have had some classes together."

"yes, of course. Hard not to notice he is such a gentleman." he said just looking through the parchment.

"well, an intelligent student too." he continued. " he organizes a dark arts study club with a few fellow students. I don't think he would mind you joining. But there can be one issue-" he said still looking at the parchments. After a short break, he finally looked at me." there is no girl in the club. I don't think there is a reason behind that. Maybe none of them were interested. I'm quite sure he'll give you a chance. You'll just have to make a good first impression." he said winking at the last.

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