Meeting the animaguses.

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"Did you seriously kidnap her? What's wrong with you guys?" Remus said and Sirius shrugged getting up as James was gaining consciousness again.

"We just wanted to talk. We didn't knew she would freak out so much."
Sirius said and the werewolf glared at him.

"See, I don't know what the fuck is going on, but if you don't tell me why I'm here in a minute, I'll make sure you are not able to speak at all." I said still wary of my surroundings and the two boys in front of me.

"Guys?" a meek voice was heard as Peter made his through the clearing.

Now :-


"so, you brought her here because you thought she was threatening me? You didn't talk to me about it and didn't even tell Peter?" Remus said angrily as James and Sirius looked at each other sheepishly.

"well! It sounds bad when you say it like that. We were just trying to help you and if we told Peter he would have told you anyway." Sirius said back but his voice not so confident as he looked down.

"it is bad, Sirius. You kidnapped someone, nevertheless a person that has been nothing but kind to me for so long, hexing her and bringing her here. You do know you can get expelled if she says a thing about this to any Professor." he said sighing.

"I won't." I said from my place under a tree where I sat with Peter. "I won't tell any Professor. But like did you seriously bring me here just for that. We could have talked about it in kitchens. I'm a bit hungry." I said rubbing my stomach and Peter nodded.

"this is not funny Y/n. It was the last straw. I didn't knew you guys would go that far."

"its not our fault Remus. You never talk about your problems. It took us so long to help you the last time and we just wanted to make sure she was not threatening you in any way." James pleaded.

"yeah! You suddenly forget about us and start meeting her at all times. We know you jinxed the map. Just tell us what is going on and we'll leave you two alone. You know you can trust us, right?" Sirius said and Remus looked at me.

"its nothing really-" I interrupted Remus.

"Maybe we should just tell them?" I said and Remus's eyes widened.


"Its fine Remus." I said turning to their expectant faces. "I know about his 'furry little problem'."

"you do?"
"he told you?" James and Sirius said at once.

"I found out about it and I was trying to help him." I said.

"what can you do to help?" Peter said speaking for the first time and Remus decided to answer him.

"she is making a potion for me. It helps me still remain in control of my werewolf form." Remus said and James rolled his eyes.

"there is no such potion. I would know. My dad is a famous potioneer and I've asked him about it. What are you fooling him with?"

"I'm not fooling anyone, James. I know its not in the books because it has not been patented yet." I said.

"So, you're telling us you made a potion for Moony." Sirius asked.

"no. My father was a healer. He wanted to help werewolves so he and his friend decided to make a potion that could help. It was his friend's idea but after his death, my father did not want to take his fame so he gave the potion formula and ingredients list to his friend's child so they could continue and patent it in their name. I know about it because he wrote it in his journal. Of course the potion isn't completely helpful as it was yet to be completed but it works just fine for now." I said and Remus looked at me stunned at the quick lie.

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