Clingy Much?!!

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Sometimes I wonder,

Why is that anytime I actually make an effort for the betterment of my life, that the universe decides I just don't deserve any peace, in general?

Why can things never work out the way they are planned?

Which entity did I upset to have the eternal burden of disappointment stacked on every new page of my life?

My thoughts might make one wonder that I had had an insufferable first week at my humble abode.

But, it was quite the contrary.

I was staying out of trouble, going back to being more of a background character, all while keeping an watchful eye on anything and everything going on.

The only problem was, someone else was keeping an eye on me, and it was not Riddle.

While I'd say our relationship had been better than ever, he had still been content at ignoring me, most of the time.

No, this was someone else, somehow annoying me more than I thought was physically possible.

And that was the reason I sat in divination staring at the open trapdoor, where I could see Sirius Black leaning against the wall, near the ladder, showing off his toothy grin.

I had a knack of attracting stupid people towards me, I had learned.

And they seemed to stick around like flies drunk on a streetlight.

I had assumed riding the carriage to Hogwarts with him was the last time I'd have to go the torture, that his personality was, but I guess not.

How can something nice even last in my life?

I dreaded the end of the class and the students started bustling down the trapdoor. I took my sweet time, hoping he would find a new obsession and move on.

After I packed everything in my sling bag, I made my way down the ladder to find the person in question giving me a haughty smirk.

"Took you long enough. You like to keep people waiting?" He asked moving away from the wall and I turned away walking away from him.

"Maybe I wanted to give you a hint to fuck off." I mutter hearing his footsteps after me.

"C'mon, I'm just trying to make a point. You aren't really easy to get a hold of."

"No, maybe because I don't want to be held back by you. Ever thought about that?"

I sped up noticing the time.

I had a club meeting to attend in 5 minutes and it was on the other end of Hogwarts.

"Why not? It couldn't be that bad, maybe you'd get to love it too."

"No, Black. I'm neither interested, nor bored enough to want to engage in anything with you."

"It's just one date. It's not like I'm asking you to be my girlfriend or something, which I may, but not right now." He said offhandedly.

"No thanks. If I wanted to go on a date with you, I'd ask you out. I don't do it the other way around."

"You never let a gentlemen take you out to a little picnic?"

"A gentlemen, maybe. Someone like you, definitely not."

"You wound me, L/n. I care for you and you say such hurtful words." He feigned sadness holding his chest as if someone had stabbed him, which might as well come true, if this continued.

"What do you want?"

"I told you, a date, you and me, at the shrieking shack. Maybe some wine, good music, delicious food." He offered and I slowed a little to finish this before walking in the meeting.

"No, what do actually want? Why do you want to take me to a date?"

"Can't I just take a lady on a ye olde English dinner?"

"Is this something that happens often?"

"No, actually. This is pretty special occurence. You should be grateful to be asked by me."

I rolled my eyes and stopped outside the classroom. A few boys were already here but most were not, so the meeting had sometime before it started.

"Ok, Sirius, I won't ask this again and  I want an actual answer this time. Why are you asking me out?" I said crossing my arms and turning my entire attention towards him.

He looked at me his own hands behind his back as he leaned back maintaining eye contact.

"Because I like you. I mean, I think I like you and I wouldn't know unless I worked on that so I want to give it a shot."

"You think you like me." I sighed and shook my head. "What do you even know about me Sirius?"

"I don't have to know you to like you."

I stared at him pointedly. The room was filling up. Now was not the time to discuss anyone's emotional understanding.

"Yes, you do. Infact you need to know someone very well to like them. What you have, is a crush and I'm not feeding into it. I'm busy right now, but we'll be talking about it. What about tomorrow? Can you meet me at the astronomy tower after the last astronomy class?"

"I can, yeah."

"See you then, we'll discuss this later." I turned to enter the room but Sirius grabbed my arm stopping me.

"Wait, does that mean it's a yes?" He asked excitedly.

"Is there a problem?" Came a voice behind us and I looked back to see none other than Tom Riddle making his way to the class, with some people following behind him, of course.

What is it with future villains and dramatic entry?

Sirius scoffed and opened his mouth, probably to say something ridiculous but I cleared my throat, saving all of us some embarrassment.

"It's nothing. Later, Sirius." I moved my hand away and walked in the room taking my seat and soon enough the meeting started.


When the meeting was over I packed up my book and walked out of the stuffed room relishing in the fresh air.

I waited outside for Severus, who was amongst the last people to walk out of the room, sometimes staying to lock the door.

I leaned against the wall, staring at the ceiling when someone interrupted me.

"What was going on earlier?"

I looked down to see Riddle in front of me, in all his glory, staring down at me curiously.

"With Sirius? Nothing. We were just choosing a place to talk, hang out sometimes." I replied again turning my gaze to the intricate ceiling of the worn hallways.

"Yeah, sure."

"You don't have to believe me. But that won't change my answer." I said again and heard him huff something before he walked away.


If I knew hanging out with Sirius Black of all people would make me appear more appealing to the parsel tongue, I would have done that sooner.

I let my mind wander on that thought waiting for Severus to be done soon, so we could finally get some dinner.

I could really use some form of sustenance before yet another confrontation tomorrow.

Merlin, have some pity on me!



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