Sorting ceremony

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Then I wore the time turner, took my luggage and treacle and started turning it. As I reached 49 I smiled at both the professors before turning it once again and letting the darkness swallow me.


As I opened my eyes I was standing in front of a blue castle. It was huge and a lot fairy like.

I decided to wait there only, not knowing what to do as I heard a voice on my right. I turned to see flying horses type of things, they might be used to pull the carriages of beauxbatons.

They were way different than the thestrals. A majestic white light spread around them. They looked like a Pegasus from the muggle books but I was not quite sure what they were called. I walked over to them and started petting them. As I heard a pop sound go behind me.

I turned around to meet a rather young professor Dumbledore. He was looking almost the same with a shorter beard and small tints of brown among the silvery white hair. He smiled at me as he spoke, " Ms. Y/n l/n?"

"Yes sir, that would be me." I replied politely.

"Alright, let's get you to Hogwarts. Too cold for a summer night isn't it." he said.

I nodded and walked over to him with my trunk and treacle's cage. He put out his hand which I held onto as he took out his wand and apparated us to the giant castle of Hogwarts which looked exactly the same. Merlin knows how old that building is.

As I looked at the castle professor McGonagall came in from the front doors. She looked... Young. Like younger than what she would look like fifty years later but still she looked different. Here face held the same stern glance but the wrinkles were less and her hair were not in a bun at this moment but fell onto her shoulder. She looked like the perfect definition of queen.

Oh I was so going to force her to do her hair like that again once I go back.

She walked over to us and said in a stern voice again.

"What took you so long Albus? The First years have been sorted and the dinner has started." she said.

"Oh I went to get some lemon drops before picking up young Y/n here. Anyways, why don't we get going. We are already late." he replies as he swished his wand and my luggage disappeared. I followed him and professor McGonagall hastily.

As soon as I arrive in the great hall professor McGonagall opened the doors catching the attention of each and every person present there.

All heads snapped to look at me and I could practically feel eyes following me as I stood next to Proffesor McGonagall while professor Dumbledore went to take his seat at the high table. The hall was already filled with whispers and murmurs regarding the new girl standing next to McGonagall too old to be a first year.

"Silence everyone." professor Dumbledore said." We have a new student joining us. Y/n l/n a transfer student from beauxbatons. She will be in her fifth year and will be sorted into her house now. Make sure to be kind to her and make her feel at home."

After he was done professor McGonagall told me to sit down and placed the hat on my head.

As the hat was making his decision I zoned out. I was a hat stall and it was gonna take 10 minutes to sort me. I was going to be Slytherin, I knew that. So I decided to take a look at the students instead.

As my eyes wandered from the Ravenclaw table to the Slytherin I tried to find any familiar faces. I instantly recognised Hagrid on the gryffindor table. I was so happy to find someone I once knew. I was really good at keeping a straight face so it wasn't really a problem. As my eyes wandered towards the Slytherin table I recognised certain potioneer with black hair.

Right next to him was sitting a certain riddle. I recognized him from the yearbook Dumbledore showed me. He looked up and as soon as his eyes met mine, I looked away to another person sitting next to him with blonde hair and an annoyed face.

It was already weird of me to mysteriously appear in the fifth year, so it was better to remain invisible for some time and not act suspicious. I could feel the curious glares, mostly from the Slytherin table full of future deatheaters.

After a little while the hat announced me as a Slytherin and I went to the Slytherin table in between cheers from my housemates. I sat between a boy and a girl, not too far from riddle. Everyone turned back to their food and I took out a book from my robe pocket and started reading. It was an old book on dark arts and dark wizards.

I slowly ate my food while fully focusing on my book when someone pushed the boy sitting next to me and took his place instead.

"Hey babygirl" he said.

I just ignored him and continued eating, that is, until he decided to take my book out of my hand and flipping through it.

"What is a sweet little girl like you doing reading such dangerous spells?" he said as I clenched my fists and looked over at him.

But soon he was crying and jumping around as he pushed the book towards me and looked at his burning red hands. I just smirked as I looked at my book in perfect condition.

Of course I had to put some protection charms on my books when I was staying in a dorm with Pansy Parkinson.

I just looked at him as he was trying to get his hands to cool. I placed my hands on his collar as I whispered sweetly but firmly, "You should not meddle with things that are not yours."

I patted his collar and got up following the prefects to the common room who had already started moving with the first years.

Well, so much for remaining invisible. At least I would get less famous dorm mates.

A/n:- thank you Amul006 for the first comment and the encouragement. Sorry guys I haven't been uploading for a week. I am soon going back to regular updates.

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