Its just for one

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"I also got the ingredients." my eyes widened as Remus said that. He got the ingredients?! It had literally been two days since we talked about it.

"how?" I asked still in shock.

"I have my ways we just have to wait till full moon then we can start it." he said as he finished his drink and placed it down on the counter.

"yeah, ok." I said nodding slightly to myself.

If this works out it will be a lot more easier to protect people.

We just had to wait and see.


I waited anxiously, fidgeting in my place as I looked towards the big gates of the great hall.

It was a full moon yesterday which meant today was the day I would find out if the potion actually helped Remus.

He had told me how he would usually be too tired and injured to eat in the great hall after full moons.

It didn't really help that Severus had to sit with his boy band discussing something important. And McQueen was really getting to my head talking about how her father is gonna buy her the most expensive car for Christmas. So much for being a pureblood.

I picked up a spoon of mashed potatoes stuffing them in my mouth as I tried to zone out the loud noise of my fellow dormmate.

Soon enough footsteps were heard and the marauders walked in. They were completely covering Remus on all sides attacking him with questions of whether he was fine or not.

They did worry quite very much about there friend. It almost made me forget that they could bully anyone. Almost. The trance was soon broken as I saw Sirius shoving a second year student to sit somewhere else because they wanted to sit together.

The commotion was settled and everyone went back to eating. I looked at Remus and he was already looking at me.

He gave me a small smile and I returned one just as discreetly before turning back to eat my food.

Time skip:-

It was my last class of the day as I moved towards the room of requirements. Remus and I were not able to talk today due to him constantly being surrounded by his friends but he did send me a note saying he had kept all the ingredients for the aging potion in the room of requirements.

I slowly paced in front of the wall and waited for the door to open not expecting Remus to be stirring a portion inside while constantly looking in a book.

He looked up at me when he heard the doors open and lowered the flame on the cauldron before greeting me.

"How was your day?" he asked as I closed the door behind me and went to sit next to him on the ground.

"it was boring. How are you feeling?" I asked looking at the potion which had started bubbling.

"great. Its like I remember everything. We roamed around the forbidden forest. James almost trampled Peter and we all slept together in a huddle. In the morning I felt more energetic then I've ever have." he said rambling some more about how Sirius was trying to climb trees and James accidently scared away a unicorn.

I smiled looking at the potion which had now turned a weird shade of green and Remus turned off the flame.

"it's ready." he said pointing at the potion and I looked over at the book.

The potion will come out green without any scent. If brewed correctly even a few drops are enough to age you up to months.

"but it was not green, the one that Dumbledore gave me. It was a bright silver and it was connected to this watch." I said pointing to the watch on my hand and Remus looked at the watch and then the potion thinking.

"give me your watch." he said and I handed him the muggle article as he looked around it.

He then proceeded to dip it in the potion and my eyes widened. The potion shrunk to the least amount that it could only be enough for one person.

He removed the watch and placed it next to us to dry as he started filling the potion in a small flask.

"was the one you drank like this?" he said pointing to the flask and I nodded.

"well no wonder they were only able to send you. It would take so many ingredients to make more potions." he said and I took the flask from his hand inspecting it.

"who will I give it to?" I said. I had thought of it were enough I could have just given in to various people just in case.

"whoever needs it the most. If things go fine you don't have to give it to anyone and if anything went wrong you can give it to whom you think is important." he said cleaning up the cauldron with a wave of his wand and looking at me.

"yeah, that'll probably be the best." I said also picking up my books and my watch and keeping the closed flask in my pocket to keep it in my dorm later.

We exited the room talking about classes and Christmas without any knowledge of the pair of eyes following our every movement.

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