A particular bookworm

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After the detention, I went back to the almost empty common room and went straight to my dorm. The girls were asleep as I sat on my bed.

It didn't go as bad as I thought. Guess the apology did mean they would stop interfering in my life.

At least something was not completely out of control. I thought as I took out some clothes and went to change in the bathroom.

Maybe things are not as wrong as I thought.


I was sitting in the muggle studies class thinking about the current problem in hand. I sighed when I remembered the peaceful sleep I had after the detention with no worries. Well looks like god couldn't see me happy for long.

I had a big issue. You could have guessed already seeing how much I messed with the marauders that they caused my issue.

But they didn't. At least not all of them. It's just a particular bookworm.

Think you've guessed it, Remus Lupin. Yeah you'd think what a good person like Remus could possibly do. Well he is doing a lot.

Soon after the apology he started following me around. Helping me with everything, escorting me to every class, constantly sitting next to me in almost all classes we share. Hell, I'm quite sure he's learned my whole schedule.

To say that I'm annoyed would be wrong, I was absolutely frustrated. I mean I would probably be happy for his kind acts at a normal time, but it was not a normal time.

I sighed and turned my head to look at him where he sat next to me reading a book while occasionally making small conversations as we sat waiting for the professor.

There were not many students in class as muggle studies was not that interesting subjects to most magical folks, but I had chosen it as an additional subject as it was more easier than divination, astronomy or ancient runes.

Also muggle studies gave us information of muggle diseases and their ways of dealing with them which could be helpful for my future job of a healer.

Soon the class quieted down as professor burbage walked in and everyone greeted her. She started talking excitedly about the topic as she usually did and I zoned out for a bit just thinking about my life when she said something which caught my attention.

"- so we will have partners for the assignments and to make it easy to choose, you'll partner up with the person next to you."

I choked on the air, as I coughed lowly trying not to gather much attention towards me and looked at Remus as he was beaming at me. I gave a fake smile back and turned towards professor trying to understand what I missed when I zoned out.

"you'll have to submit it in a week. Make sure to take an simple and important topic. You can discuss the assignment with your partners for the rest of the class." Professor continued as she sat back on her seat, writing something while also looking up once in a while to make sure no one was trying to do something funny.

The class broke into light chatter as the others started talking amongst each other as I once again looked at Remus with an unamused look.

"well" I said.


"I'll complete the assignment and give you notes to copy off. We don't have to work together." I said watching him carefully.

"no, this assignment will be marked for our grades at the end of the year and I would very much like to do my part myself." he replied looking at me with a smug smile.

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