Lover's Anguish

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"What the fuck?!" I exclaimed as I pulled back from the hand grabbing my arm and pointed my wand in the general direction of my kidnapper.

What was it with me being constantly redirected from my direction for entirely no reason at all?

My eyes widened when I finally noticed Sirius, with his hands in the air and a smuggish grin.

Of course!

Of all the dimwitted idiots I knew, it had to be the stubborn playboy.

"Hello." He said cheerily waving his hand as if I was not just standing directly in front of him.

"What the fuck, Sirius?" My question was repeated by the other person present amongst us.

The girl had her arms crossed as she glared at me unamused.

I had met her before.

What was her name? Marly? Marty, something?

"Shut up, Marlene. We need Y/n. She is an important part of the plan." Sirius hushed her.

"Actually I didn't consent to being a part of any plan." I countered.

"You said you'd help me with Remus." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Really? I just came out of the hospital wing and that's what you're worrying about?"

I couldn't understand how he was so chill in the chaos going on at Hogwarts.

On the other hand, he'd probably been the one person who wouldn't regret dying at such a young age, with how recklessly he lived his life.

"Well, I knew you'd be fine. And I also know that you probably don't want people to continuously concern themselves with your business. So I'm concerning you with mine."

"I thought I was helping you with Remus." Marlene said still somewhat angry.

"It's not like I can't have two pretty ladies helping me. Don't tell me you're jealous, Marls? There's enough of me to go around." He teased.

"Okay and that's my queue to leave."

Before I could step out he had his hands around my shoulder pulling me to the singular desk in the classroom.

"C'mon. You're my last resort. I've tried everything." He pointed to the parchment laying on the table.

It was filled with bullet points that were scribbled off along with doodles around the page.

•S̶t̶u̶d̶y̶ d̶a̶t̶e̶
•B̶r̶e̶a̶k̶f̶a̶s̶t̶ i̶n̶ b̶e̶d̶

"What even happened?"

"I thought everything was going well. And we were spending a lot of time together and Remus has finally started opening up to me and then I fucked it up."

I looked at him and then at Marlene making her sigh.

"He accidentally asked him out and now Remus is ignoring him."

"How do you accidentally ask someone out?"

"I don't know!! He was talking about his childhood and then I was like, 'merlin! I love you' and then he started looking at me so I just told him I liked him and he walked away. Now he won't even talk to me."

Sirius groaned and let his head fall down on the table.

"He can't ignore you when you are literally in the same dorm and share almost all classes."

"Right? That's what I thought too. But he is really going for it. He's started sleeping in Longbottom's dorm. He is always helping one professor or another after class and he's taken custody of the marauders map."

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