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286 18 13

After finishing my breakfast and once again encountering a wild Madam Pomfrey, I was free to leave the hospital wing.

It was easy to navigate through the halls when most of the other students were already in classes or too scared to roam the hallways.

Masking my footsteps, I quickly made my way to my dorm room, wanting nothing more than some uninterrupted silence.

When I reached the empty room, my gaze met the infinity satchel placed upon my bed.

I had no idea who brought it back from the incident in the lavatory but I was thankful nevertheless.

It had been hiding one too many secrets of mine, that I couldn't bear revealed.

I sat on my bed holding my satchel.

So I'd saved Myrtle from becoming a ghost, but Hogwarts was still in the danger of closing up.

This was a really important part of the past. Tom would frame Hagrid for the attacks and get him expelled while saving Hogwarts reputation.

I had do that before him, while making sure Hagrid didn't get involved any more than absolutely necessary.

But how?

I hadn't even conversed with the half giant in my time here. And I couldn't just give out my secret to any random person.

Especially someone like Hagrid who couldn't keep a secret for the life of him.

I didn't really have much long too.

What if Riddle got to him before me?

I don't even have any idea what could be going on in his mind right now.

Merlin! I can't fuck this one up.


I looked up from death glaring the floor to stare at Narcissa.

"Hi." I replied.

"Thank Merlin, you're fine. You have no idea how worried you got us." She came over for a quick hug, before sitting on her bed next to mine.

I turned swiftly so I was facing her.

"So, what's happening?" I asked, trying to get over the awkward silence.

"With me? Or in general?"


"Well, the school is in crisis. Everyone except the pureblood supremacists are quaking in their boots. And I got engaged." She pointed her well manicured hand out to show the shining ring resting on her finger.

"Wait what?"

I was positively shook. Yes, Narcissa had been dating Lucius for a while now but had he already proposed when they hadn't even finished their schooling yet?

"Yeah, Lucius didn't want to wait till my parents got any other ideas so he proposed last week."

"At Hogwarts?"

"Mhm. He sent a letter back home to ask permission from my parents. They've arranged Bella's wedding to Rudolphus, so he might have gotten a little paranoid."

"Wasn't Bellatrix dating Davies?"

"Not anymore. And it's on the penalty of death. But it wasn't like it was that serious anyways."

She shrugged and I nodded.

Of course, that was so normal.

I was lucky to be an orphan than have parents as such.

"Anyways, what're your plans now? I mean half the students are willing to leave Hogwarts if any more attacks take place."

It was my time to shrug as I looked away.

"I don't know. I want to help but it is a little hard to think right now, you know."

"Yeah, well, when I find it hard to think I just tend to vent to someone."

I looked at her and looked away again.

Remus would probably be in class right now. I couldn't possibly worry him about it right now.

It was not even a life or death scenario.

"I meant I'm here to listen if you want to talk. Unless you only want to speak to one of your boyfriends?"

I choked on my own spit, trying to cough it out of my system. Narcissa gave me a sly smile.


"Mhm. The marauders and Severus. You wouldn't happen to  think people weren't taking notice, would you? First you got Severus following you. Then you started meeting up with Lupin and now Sirius won't stop bothering you. You know polyamory isn't really looked down on in the wizarding community."

I cringed at the implication, shaking my head.

"No thank you. I'm very single and I prefer to be that way. For a long time. What are you even doing here anyways? Don't we have charms right now?"

"Cramps. The class was just about to end anyway so I asked to use the loo and just came here."

"Your stuff?"

"Oh, Lucius would get it for me. Gives us an excuse to meet." She had a blush on her face as she absent mindedly played with her ring.

"Okay, listen here. I love you, I really do, but I really don't think at this point you  need an excuse to see your fucking fiance."

"I could always use one, though."

I nodded and get up from the bed, taking a deep breath

None of my business anyway.

"Well, thanks for your offer but, I think I'll just pace it out."

She nodded and I left the room, wandering around the castle, trying to think up something.

I was probably missing something important.

Maybe some food could help me think faster.

Or maybe fresh air?

I hadn't even reached the courtyards when someone pulled me in one of the classes.

"Don't make a noise!"

"Wait! Why is she here?"



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