I believe in you

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Soon the bells rang resembling the end of all clubs. I got up muttering episkey on my hand and picked up my book walking gracefully out of the classroom.

As I walked in the hallway I muttered profanities seeing the still visible scar on my hand. Well, at least Riddle seemed interested. Looks like nothing went to waste.


1 week later-

Your pov:-

I just walked out of another one of those "no nose man and his stinking group of freaks" meetings. Riddle had allowed me in the club but he didn't actually really let me participate. I was just supposed to sit there and watch.

It got so boring. He found me important but not interesting. Today's meeting was about magical dark arts objects. They discussed many dangerous objects and after a painstakingly slow speech by the great Voldemort himself, the bell rang. It was almost evening.

I, of course, was the first one to leave. I decided to go to the library and read some old muggle literature. I would have preferred playing Quidditch but I had to maintain a boring persona.

This week was also not so interesting. I had started talking to Severus. We had a few 'good mornings' and 'what class next' here and there. Narcissa and I were getting along quite well and she told me more about my roommates. McQueen was an arrogant pureblood who apparently had hots for Riddle and Parkinson her loyal sidekick.

I was passing the courtyard now when I heard some commotion. A large crowd was gathered around. I reached to the front to see the marauders standing near a tree laughing while Severus was picking up his fallen books.

All the others surrounding were either laughing or murmuring among themselves.

I went forward and picked his fallen books up handing them to him. No one noticed me yet, until-

"oh, look what we have here. Need another girl to help you now snivellus? How more pathetic can you get?" the one with glasses, whom I recognised as James Potter spoke up.

As he said the laughter only increased and I felt my blood boiling.

"I don't think he needs anyone's help, Potter." I say calmly.

"oh really, just look at him." he said as he waved his wand muttering a spell but before it could hit any of us I took out my wand and blocked the spell making it light like a small firework show.

"why don't we handle it the fair way Potter. A wizarding duel. First to disarm other wins. Or is your pathetic ass too coward to try to win a fair fight." I say. I can see his hold on his wand tightening and the crowd getting excited. Really they don't have any thing else to do.

"oh I would love to show you what a gryffindor can do, love, but we have some standards and hurting a weak girl would be too low even for someone like me." he said as I see Sirius Black snicker behind him patting his back.

"not me Potter. High of you to think I would be willing to fight a gryffindork. I was thinking of Severus here. Since you consider him so helpless why not just defeat him and show your power." I say pointing towards Snape as Potter and Black whisper something amongst themselves.

"why not? You ready to get you ass beaten snivellus?" he said as he came forward pointing his wand straight towards him.

I smirked and walked back towards Severus taking the books from him.
"what did you do, Y/n? I'll make a fool of myself." he whispered as I smiled at him.

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