The Wool's Orphanage

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I decided to sit with Avery and Malfoy on my ride back from hogwarts.

Riddle joined us but kept his promise of being civil. I bid my friends goodbye before leaving.

I didn't realise how much I had started caring for my new friends, but now as I parted from them in this highly unlikely situation, I was sure I'll miss them a whole lot.

Riddle walked through the barrier as soon as I reached there.

Before going, I gave one last longing look to the bright red Hogwarts express and let my feet lead me towards the muggle King's cross station,feeling a new-found energy surge through me.

It's all going to be worth it.


"Took you long enough." Riddle said already walking as I moved quickly to follow after him.

"It's not my fault people don't want to say goodbye to you. They would rather wish they don't see you again, like ever." I scoffed. I was already nervous going in a new orphanage.

I was not the best at fitting in and his sudden remarks were not helping me.

"Civil, L/n." he reminded and I rolled my eyes.

"You literally started it." I said much quieter as we passed a large group of people.

A little girl pointed at Treacle, my owl, and Riddle turned around looking at him before going on to lead the way.

"Couldn't you have left that thing in the owlery at Hogwarts. I don't know if you've forgotten but muggles are not used to seeing people just carrying owls along with them." he said in a stern and almost scolding voice.

I looked at the sleeping bird in the cage and softly pet his feathers through the bars.

"This "thing" you're talking of has a name. And you don't need to worry about it. I'll manage it." I said. Treacle was the only family that I had known and I was not letting him go anytime soon.

"Oh, I believe you can. Of course, but how do you think you're going to explain it to the warden?" he mocked me.

"Well, I supposed you wouldn't know, but bringing up sentimental topics of your lives in a normal conversation makes it uncomfortable for the person to continue the topic." I said. I was positive I could  very easily manipulate any adult into believing me.

Both of us kept quiet for the conversation as we walked out of the crowded platform and under the sun.

Tom looked around before waving and a worn-out taxi stopped next to us. A slightly chubby and amiable lady got out of the passenger seat and waltzed towards us.

She wore a welcoming smile and her bun bobbed to the side as she confronted us.

"Were we too late? The traffic got bad and Jake's still learning to drive, you know?" she said pointing at the middle aged man who got out of the drivers seat.

"Get it going, Martha. Haven't got much time to stall." he said and took Tom's trolley placing the the luggage in the car trunk.

"Yeah Joseph!" the woman said rolling her eyes at the man's comment and took the trolley from me as she gave me a warm smile.

"Hi, I'm Martha. I'll be your caretaker for your time at wool's orphanage. I hope you enjoy your stay." she said pulling me towards the vehicle.

It was going to be a hell of a stay.


I stood in front of the huge building holding Treacle's cage. The ride didn't take long passing through the countryside with valleys and hills up to a small village.

The buildings here were smaller, the houses open and the people way kinder than I had imagined.

And now that I had finally reached the orphanage,it didn't seem so bad. It almost reminded me of how Laurie used to keep her place. Chaotic but organized.

Treacle moved in his cage looking at the place around him and I brought his cage up to my face.

"It'll be fine, Treacle." I said reassuring him.

I had quite a stern talk with Martha about the whole how would you keep a secret pet, but she quickly accepted when I told her that he was the last gift left for me by my parents.

That obviously was not the truth but she didn't need to know that. It was definitely worth the look of shock on Riddle's face when she eagerly accepted and even promised me to buy him bird food.

The guy, Jake, as I had come to known, had spent
most of his life at the orphanage, and had decided to ride a cab for living. He was one of the few people who had known about magic and Hogwarts, but he really did not seem to care much.

While I observed the peace and quiet, Martha got down our luggage and waved Jake away.

"We're finally home." Martha said with a genuine smile. "Well, why don't we get you settled in then!"

Maybe it would not be that bad.


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