(Not So)Moaning Myrtle!!

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I was in a rush when I first heard it. A low crying noise coming from the girls lavatory.

My natural response was to get away from there, seeing as I was already late for charms.

I'd thought it was just Moaning Myrtle, flooding the toilets and reminiscing her death, again.

That was until I realised, that Myrtle wasn't supposed to be dead, at least not yet.

I looked around carefully.

The hallway that I currently was in was completely empty. It wasn't a surprise, it was the middle of the day, everyone had one class or another to go to.

Okay, everything's fine.

I needed to get her out of their before something happened. Though we weren't that close, she didn't deserve to die and get stuck as a ghost forever.

I had tried to befriend Myrtle before, I truly did, but it was hard to talk to her.

It wasn't very difficult to spot her though, seeing as she seemed to be one of the select few students who wore glasses.

She was the kind of person who constantly complained about everyone leaving her, until you'd become her friend and realise exactly why they left.

She wasn't explicitly annoying or rude, but just a little self-centred and constantly wallowing in her own sadness.

But that didn't matter right now, I had to save her regardless of her nature.

Taking a deep breath, I opened the door quietly.

I could hear the sobbing more clearly now, and took a look around the room.

No one was here, I still had time to get her out to safety.

I walked over and knocked on the door of the only occupied stall.

"Who is it?"

"Hey, it's me, Y/n. We met in the library, remember?" I said holding my wand tightly.

"What do you want?" She whined.

"Are you alright? I heard you crying." I said trying to get her to open the door.

"Just go away. I don't want to talk to anyone."

I sighed and knocked on the door again.

"What?!" She opened the door slightly and I quickly pushed it open fully.

"Let's talk about it outside. Whatever's made you upset?" I said and she wiped her face.

"I don't want to talk to you. And I don't want to go out. Just leave me alone, will you?" She roared trying to shut the door again.

"Hey, I'm trying to help you." I said holding her away from the door.

"What do you even mean?"

I sighed again, I couldn't exactly tell her that she was going to die or that the heir of Slytherin is currently in hogwarts so I made up the most believable lie.

"I heard some boys talking about putting some dungbombs in the girls lavatory and I don't want either of us to be a victim to their pranks, so, it's better if we talk outside." I reasoned and she rolled her eyes.

"Really? Why would someone do that? Boys aren't allowed to enter the girls room anyway. You should've have complained about them to the head of your house."

"Yeah? We can do that together. C'mon, let's go before it's too late."

"It's not my concern. And I don't even know who these people are. You should definitely just do it yourself." She urged trying to close the door again.

I was about to reply when I heard the sound of something slithering close by.

Fuck it.

I pushed her in, closing the door after me and tried to focus on the noise.

"What are you-" I quickly hushed her, covering her mouth with my hand until she got the memo.

We both heard carefully for a while trying to discern any sudden sounds.

The hissing quieted down and then the sound of footsteps was heard.

Rushed over to the lavatory and quietened again. A second of peace and then whispers of a boy.

"Is it the boys? The ones trying to prank us?" Myrtle asked, hand already on the handle to open the door.

She was going to get us both killed.

I pulled her away and held the door tight shut.

"We aren't going outside. Not until whoever it is leaves." I whispered.

"Why not? They can't hurt us. And they are not meant to be here remember, it's the girls lavatory." She countered.

"We can inform a teacher later, we don't know how many people are out there, it's better to stay here."

"I only heard one person's footsteps. And how'd we even tell a professor who it was when we don't even know of it ourselves."

The chanting outside had stopped and this urged my attention so I leaned over the door to hear more properly.

Taking this chance, Myrtle pulled on the knob, making the door open with ease as she walked straight ahead.

I was barely able to hold onto her and I fell making her trip along with me.

I quickly shut my eyes, when a loud shriek was heard and tried my best to find my wand on the floor, from when I was trying to break my fall.

In the commotion, I heard the gates of the room open again and my hand met with the body of my companion.

Did I fail to save her?

I looked at the tiles while opening my eyes, not wanting to instantly die the second I looked up.

In the blurry reflection, I could see the ceiling of the room along with the walls and the open door.

Deeming it safe enough, I looked up at the sink.

Everything seemed in place. Except for the mirror above the sink which read,

"The chamber of secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir... beware!"

I picked up my wand, which had rolled away and leaned down over Myrtle.

Her body seemed to have frozen, her hands splayed out in front of her and her eyes wide as she stared on the floor.

I quickly turned her around, trying to feel her pulse.

Okay, she's still alive. That's good.

My gaze drifted back to the sink and I stared at the writing that looked suspiciously like blood.

Had Tom written it? Who else would? This means he's aware that he's the heir of Slytherin, but he won't hurt anyone else if he wants Hogwarts to remain working, right?

Footsteps distracted me from my thoughts and I stared at the door incredously.

My wand tightened in my hands and I held Myrtle close to me, preparing for a fight or flight situation.

The footsteps grew louder and I recognised it was more than one person.

I held my breath, staring straight at the door for the intruder to walk in.

The footsteps stopped right outside the door and I felt my heart beat quicken.

What the fuck was going on?



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