"His furry little problem"

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"I will tell you everything I know, if you promise you won't try to change things without asking me" I said as he looked at me curiously and nodded slightly.

"well, it all started with the defeat of Grindelwald."


I explained him everything letting a few things slide so he would not know who Voldemort is but enough to save James, Lily, Harry and anyone else who would die if I was not able to save them.

I also told him about the small things like Regulus joining the death eaters and how Snape begged the dark lord to spare Lily.

I told him of the prophecy and the two boys Harry and Neville either of which could be the end of the dark lord.

"well, so they put Sirius in prison without any proof?"

"yeah, the name black was enough for them to fear him but at least they could have tried the truth potion." I said and Remus nodded.

"that's bullshit!" he exclaimed as he got up from where he was sitting at the couch and looked at me.

"if James finds out what is going to happen to Harry he will personally kill the dursleys and the best thing is I wouldn't even stop him." Remus said as I just shook my head.

"well, luckily I'm able to stop things from going that bad."

"alright, so what's your plan?"

"well, right now to make sure Lily and Severus don't just cut each other out so he can take Harry in as his godson if things don't go well. But for now, we need to solve your issue."

"why? What's wrong?"

"you're a werewolf? And don't get me wrong I don't know much about you guys but I know one thing and that is you have to go through a lot of pain during your transformations and that's what we need to work out for now."

"there is nothing you can do." he chuckled lightly. "you won't happen to think I haven't tried everything. The only thing that helps is the pain relief potion after the full moon."

I smiled, "well maybe not now, but I am from future, remember?" I said as his face lit up.

"there is something you can do?" I nodded, "but how?"

"well, almost 20 years after your graduation, another student at Hogwarts who was a werewolf tried to make a potion which can help werewolves during transformation by reducing the pain and keeping their mind working."

"you know how to make it?" he asked excitedly.

"yes professor Snape taught me for an extra assignment in year 4. But I don't have my book here. I think I remember it quite well but I will have to write the steps once."

"and what about the ingredients?"

"that will be easy but I will need your help. Some ingredients can be easily found in the student aisle in potion classroom. I can borrow other from Professor slughorn for "professional practicing". But the main ingredient would be hard to find." I said as I got up and started pacing.

"what is it?"


"... What's wolfsbane?"

"you don't know that? Oh yeah, it was named after the potion. Well its just another name for aconite."

"Aconite! It's a poison."

"I know, and that's why I can't ask it from Proffesor Slughorn. You will have to find it. Probably in the forbidden forest. I heard that there was a small farm of the poison deep in the forest which had to be removed for student safety. I think it is still there. If you can bring it to me i will be able to complete it quite fine." I said as he looked at me.

"you don't have to do that for me." he said. "you are here to save us from something worse than just some full moon transformations."

"well, think of it as a thank you gift for not telling anyone. And now that you know you can help me and I wouldn't want my partner in crime distracted cause of full moons."

"Ok." he said with a small smile on his face. "when would you need the Aconite?"

"as soon as you can find it. I'll find the other ingredients by tomorrow so it would be good if you could get it under a week."

"well, I'll try." he said and then noticed the time in the big clock on the wall.

"we should get going. The marauders will be looking for me." he said and I nodded as we gathered our stuff and walked out of the room of requirements.

We started walking down the halls as I looked at him.

"so, is there something else I can call your full moon transformations, like a nickname or something?"

"yeah, James started calling it my furry little problem."

I nodded and we continued making our way towards the library. Having small talks and a few jokes here and there. It was easy to talk to him and I was happy I could talk to someone about everything going on.

We soon reached the library which was almost empty as it was time for dinner. The three marauders could be seen sitting at our regular place near the back of the library furiously discussing something.

"hey! Remember you can't tell anyone, ok?" I asked Remus one last time as he nodded at me and cleared his throat to gain the attention of the three who quickly gathered a familiar piece of parchment and was quickly shoved in James pocket.

"where were you Remus? We were looking for you for so long. Even Lily didn't know where you went." Sirius asked eyeing me and Remus and I just sighed.

"The library got cramped. Decided to go to the astronomy tower for some fresh air." I said not leaving any chance for arguments as I turned to Remus.

"well, tomorrow at the same place?"

"yeah." he said.

"and don't forget about your part of the essay." I said and he just looked at me confused as we hadn't done anything today.

"the wolfsbane." I whispered just for him to hear and he nodded again waving at me as I left the library to go to the dorms to keep my books back.

Maybe, this year won't be so bad after all.

A/n:- don't know if anyone actually reads this notes but suddenly my notifications were full you guys adding my story to you reading lists so thank you.

Again, if you have any questions regarding the characters, your past or the story feel free to ask.

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