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"whoever needs it the most. If things go fine you don't have to give it to anyone and if anything went wrong you can give it to whom you think is important." he said cleaning up the cauldron with a wave of his wand and looking at me.

"yeah, that'll probably be the best." I said also picking up my books and my watch and keeping the closed flask of aging potion in my pocket to keep it in my dorm later.

We exited the room talking about classes and Christmas without any knowledge of the pair of eyes following our every movement.


I was going on with my regular day. Riddle had started more and more meetings due to the Christmas holidays coming closer. All the purebloods will be going back to their families to celebrate Christmas and Riddle wanted most to be done before they leave.

Today's meeting was about the spells we were supposed to practice during the holidays. I didn't actually know how they were going to be doing that as using magic outside Hogwarts was prohibited for amateur wizards and witches.

I rushed forward not wanting to be late again as I had been so many times before. Turning a corner I bumped into someone not noticing them glaring at me before everything went dark.


Waking up has never been more harder for me. I squinted my eyes at the sudden light and felt my head pounding.

When I opened my eyes, I was quite surprised to find myself in the forbidden forest. A black dog slept peacefully in front of me as if on guard.

Looking around it really was a forbidden place as I noticed the crowded trees and animal footprints all over the ground.

Slowly standing up I put my left hand on my eyes to shield them from the bright ray of light coming from the thick canopy, while I used the other to take out my wand.

Luckily, whoever brought me here thought it would be good to leave it with me. I started making my way around the dog when a sudden snap caught my attention.

The forest was dark and creepy, I didn't even know where I was or which way to go. Should I try to make my way back or wait for the person who brought me here? I had my wand to protect me if something bad happened but could I really trust a person who dragged me all the way from the dungeons to the forest.

Before I could even decide a bark caught my attention and I pointed my wand at the now awake dog. I would have said it was a cute dog if it wasn't just barring it's teeth at me.

It barked again before growling and rushing somewhere in the woods.

"Wait!" I said trying to follow the dog but it had already vanished among the thick bushes.

I looked around me again. Maybe I should just follow the direction the dog went. It has to lead somewhere.

As I had started moving I heard whispers coming from behind me. Deciding to wait for whoever was coming I hid behind a thick tree further in the forest, my wand clutched tightly in my hand.

"What are you guys doing?" a voice said before another sushed it down.

"Have patience will ya? She should be here somewhere." Were they looking for me?

"She was supposed to be here. Where did you leave her, Padfoot?" Wait, padfoot?

"She was just here like a minute ago. I didn't think she would go into the forest?" Sirius's voice clearly stated as I frowned. What were they trying to do?

"Who was here Sirius? Did you kidnap someone?" who I suppose was Remus said as I slowly moved out of my hiding place to make sure it was them four.

"No! Moony, we wouldn't do something like that." Sirius said shaking his head as James tried to look at the trees to find me.

"Remus?" I asked as I moved closer to them, my wand pointing at them.

"Y/n!? What are you doing here?" Remus asked and James and Sirius raised their wands noticing mine.

"Put your wands down." I said ignoring Remus.

"Wait! What's happening here, guys?" Remus said looking at all of them.

"I won't repeat again." I said eyes glaring at the two gryffindors, challenging them to make a move.

I pointed my wand at James waving it so he was thrown back his wand falling out of his hand.

Sirius quickly rushed to help his friend while Remus stood in front of them glaring at me.

"What are you doing?" he yelled. "they are my friends." he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Well, then if you can ask your friends why did they bring me here?" I asked sternly and he rolled his eyes.

"Its not like they would have dragged you here. You came by yourself, didn't you?" he said and I looked at him shocked. Why would I want to come in some hidden part of the forbidden forest with his friends willingly.

"Oh, I don't know. Because last thing I remember is fainting in the castle and waking up here. So, if you friends did not bring me here, who were they looking for?" I said accusingly and Remus's eyes widened as he turned around to face his friends.

"Did you seriously kidnap her? What's wrong with you guys?" he said and Sirius shrugged getting up as James was gaining consciousness again.

"We just wanted to talk. We didn't knew she would freak out so much."
He said and the werewolf glared at him.

"See, I don't know what the fuck is going on, but if you don't tell me why I'm here in a minute, I'll make sure you are not able to speak at all." I said still wary of my surroundings and the two boys in front of me.

"Guys?" a meek voice was heard as Peter made his through the clearing.

A/n:- I have a fucked up schedule. I apologize for being gone so long. Things have been busy and a bit boring.

I hope you guys had a good day.

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