Beginning of Another End

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The holidays ended as quick as they could have and it didn't take a genius to figure out that I had overly procrastinated the packing.

Over the past week I had a lot of stuff that seemed to be messing up around me.

For starters, Laura had seen riddle and I return to the orphanage, even though we had taken extra care while entering through the back door in the kitchens.

I was sure she had known it was a secret cause she didn't tell anyone but she wasn't being exactly subtle with how she would always stare at us anytime we were in close vicinity.

So, regardless of my love for my future dean, I made sure to avoid her at any cost.

Also, I had written to the traitor(Lupin) because of urgent needs.

Though I didn't want him to think I've forgiven him, it was important to discuss some things in person and decided to ask him to meet me in the Hogwarts express compartment before selling down with his friends.

Right now, I was forcing my clothes into my already bulging trunk. Yesterday, we had already gotten out stuff from the diagon alley and today, we were leaving for kings cross.

In the hurry of the life, I had postponed packing my bags until the last minute and now I didn't want to be risked with further agitating my companion.

Who had already nagged me for the lack of my punctuality three times in the last hour.

I picked my unread books and stuffed them further in the trunk before grabbing my toothbrush and other toiletries.

Riddle's side of the room was completely taken care of. Even the bed seemed unused with how he had changed the sheets and even cleaned the pillow cases.

I rolled my eyes and continued the packing and waited for the trunk to completely fill up before I grabbed my remaining books in the satchel.

Lily had very graciously gifted this to me and it was very handy to store a lot of things without worrying about it, but it was a bit tricky to get something back out.

By the time I was finished, I had been told to get ready to leave for the station and I gobbled up my lunch hurriedly before leaving.

The Jake guy was back to get us to the station and Martha sat in the passenger seat, overcoming the silence with her incessant rambling.

Treacle occasionally cawed when the cab turned too hurriedly or the vehicle jumped by sudden brake use.

Soon enough we had reached the station and after wishing Martha good bye, we went our separate ways, Riddle going to fill his position as the prefect.

I hauled my luggage in an empty compartment waiting for Remus to show up.

It seemed like a lot of time had passed though the train still ceased any movement. I stared at Treacle's cage absentmindedly.

I had spent a whole year away from my own reality and yet I hadn't gotten any closer to the Riddle boy as I had been when I had first been here.

His walls were still up and he was still, for some reason maintaining his distance though it was clear he had a plan.

Well, this was going to be the year that changes it, I can feel it.

I smiled at Treacle and leaned back in my seat as the train began moving in a steady rhythm with the clouds passing by.

A new year, a new approach.



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