First Impression

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Previously :

Your pov:-

Soon the bells rang resembling the end of all clubs. I got up muttering episkey on my hand and picked up my book walking gracefully out of the classroom.

As I walked in the hallway I muttered profanities seeing the still visible scar on my hand. Well, at least Riddle seemed interested. Looks like nothing went to waste.


Tom's pov:-
(from the great hall scene)

Potions was finished. I was walking to the great hall with my friends. It was lunch and the great hall was full. I ate a bit while they talked amongst themselves. Soon the conversation turned to the next DA club meeting. I informed them that this meeting was going to be about our future plans and new useful members. Everyone was done eating and were just busy in some conversation when it seemed as if the whole great hall went silent. It indeed did.

I saw a girl, I scarcely recognise as someone from beauxbatons walking towards us. Well, towards me. And everyone was looking at her.

She was going to embarrass herself, seemed like it. Most probably because I didn't even knew her name. Still unfazed by the amused glances and sudden silence she kept walking towards me maintaining eye contact as I was trying to read her.

She seemed too confident for her own good, as if she was preparing her whole life to come talk to me, but did not show any signs of nervousness.

As she walked the long distance over, I heard the boys behind me start to whisper amongst themselves.

"woah! Is she going to ask him out?" lestrange asked.
"seems like it." Avery replied to him. "she is pretty hot though."

Of course he had to keep check on every girl at Hogwarts. By this time she had covered the distance of the long table and was standing in front of me. Without any dramatic pause or a nervous breath, she calmly told me that professor slughorn wanted to meet me after lunch and just like that she walked away to stay next to Malfoy's girlfriend and started talking to her.

Everyone also continued talking and I turned back to the group.

"well! Looks like your theories didn't come true." I said sternly looking at the boys as I started picking my book off the table.

"where are you going? " Lucius asked.
"to meet slughorn. Didn't you hear what she said?" I said as I was just about to go.
"wonder what he would want with you now. We just came out potions."
Snape said.

"whatever it is he is important for the plan." I said and walked out of the great hall.

After a while I reached the dungeons and professors office. I knocked on the door and heard a loud "come in".

As I walked in I closed the doors behind me. "you called for me professor." I asked Proffesor slughorn as he was sitting on his desk writing something on an old parchment.

"oh yes Tom. I was wondering when you'll come. Have a seat."

I nodded and say down waiting for him to continue.

"so, how is your DA club going?"
"it's good professor. We have already discussed most spells and their counter curses."

"oh great. I was wondering if you would actually mind another intelligent student joining your group."
"if you have someone particularly interested, sure sir. I was actually thinking to add a few students myself."

"well I do have one. Intelligent one she is. A curious mind. The new girl from beauxbatons, you might know her, Y/n, Y/n l/n."
"I have seen her around in classes professor, never really had a decent introduction though. But I was wondering if that would really be alright professor. She could be a bit distracting. During the meeting."

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