He knows, he knows

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I was in the library with Lupin for my muggle studies assignment when the marauders interrupted us and Potter commented on my family as I decided to call it a day.


Today was another boring day of my life. I was just about to turn my potion partner into a goblet when the bells rang notifying the end of classes. Quickly packing my stuff I made my way to the library.

Today was the last day of my misery. The muggle studies assignment was almost over and I wouldn't have to deal with Lupin anymore after this.

Since our first meet till now the marauders had not shown any time when I was with him in library. It seemed like a silent pact, and I was very happy with it, especially after what Potter said to me.

I walked in and Remus was once again sitting already with his books. How is he always at the library? He's such a nerd.

I sat next to him and started my work and he also continued just glancing at me once in a while. It was unexpectedly hot today so I took off my robe and loosened my tie a bit. I moved the tight collar of my shirt to get some air in the boiling library.

When I turned at Remus he was looking at me as if he'd seen a ghost. I raised my eyebrows as he just pointed at me and started stuttering.

"I- you-you wha- your necklace, it's-"

I looked at my neck and my eyes widened as I noticed the time turner was visible.

Yes, I was wearing it. No, it was not hidden in some secret place. There was no way I was going to keep such an important thing in my dorm.

I quickly looked at him, then back at myself and turned the pendant around so only the golden chain of the necklace was visible.

"uhm- it was just a fancy necklace my grandmother left for me. Nothing special." I said as I tried to give my most appealing smile.

"I think I know a Time Turner when I see one. The real question is where did you get one?" he said as he closed his book and moved his chair back a bit as I sighed.

"well, if we are going to talk about it, it's not going to be here." I said as I started picking up my stuff and looked around to make sure no one else has heard or seen anything.

He just looked at me in shock when I got up.

"c'mon I know a place." I said urging him to get up but he just stared at me.

"I'm not going to go anywhere with you. You could be a potential killer. Having a Time Turner is illegal and for a really good reason. You should not be having one. How did no one else know-"

"shut up!" I looked around at the few people who looked at us and rolled my eyes.

"I'm from the future. I'm not here to kill you, I'm here to save you because some of you fucking die and if someone else knows I will have to go back and leave you all to die and I don't want to do that so just come with me." I said as I leaned on the table whispering so only he would hear.

He just cocked his eyebrow and I looked at him.

"please just come with me. You have your wand you can easily protect yourself if I try to kill you or something." I say as he thinks for it a bit before getting up.

"alright, I'm trusting you, don't kill me." he says as he picks up the books with one hand while holding his wand with the other.

I smiled at him, a genuine smile, and move out of the library gesturing him to follow me. We walked around the corridors and he stayed behind me with his wand held tightly in his hand.

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