Dear diary!(part one)

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It had been a few days since I had made the unrelenting deal with Riddle.

Surprisingly, my time here seemed pretty uneventful except for the last Wednesday.


Martha had informed me that usually on Wednesdays and Saturdays, the caretakers would take all the kids out on the clearing behind the orphanage to play around and have some fresh air and sunlight.

Other days, they were free to do whatever they wished, as long as they didn't cause any trouble.

I was very excited to get out of the cramped institution. The clearing near the forest seemed alluring and really calm.

Unlike myself, most people here were not as excited for the small outing event, including my roommate.

I had decided to stick around with Riddle once we got out and he settled himself on a farther tree, with a novel in his hands.

He had been very quiet ever since we had sparked the deal.  It seemed like he wasn't willing to take any risk of me refusing my part of the arrangement.

Getting bored quickly, by the studious boy's oddness, I moved around the place taking in everything.

Children had formed several groups here and there, some talking animatedly, others trying to climb a twisted tree. Then, there were the ones running around.

It reminded me very much of my time back at Laurie's.

Now that I had finally had enough time to myself, I realised how easily I was taking such a change.

It was as if it didn't affect me at all that it had been a year away from my real life, my real friends. I felt bad for not missing them as much as I thought I would.

It seemed as though nothing mattered that much to me. I supposed I was the best choice to have been sent here then.

Before I could let my thoughts take up all my braincells, I heard a loud thud in front of me.

Shaking the thoughts away from my mind, I noticed I had walked farther away from the crowds of tweens and teens.

A small girl had seemingly tripped while running with her friends and they surrounded her, looking stubbornly, as she sobbed in pain.

I walked over, asking for space and reached the little girl, who was the red head from the first day.

She had her knees pulled up and I noticed her scraped knees that had blood slowly seeping in.

I smiled and turned to the kids.

"You all go and play, yeah. I'll get her cleaned up." The kids stopped trying to peeked and moved away, some taking longer then others, but the place was soon cleared.

I turned back to the sobbing girl and held her hands softly.

"Hey, look at me. You're okay. It's fine. Could you take some deep breaths for me?" I asked.

The little girl seemed to curl up on herself, like she was more embarassed than hurt. Her body shook slightly as she tried to catch her ragged breath.

After her breaths seemed to stabilize she looked at me and gave me a teary-eyed smile.

"Does it hurt right now?" I asked.

She moved her knee slightly and shook her head.

"See, you're one brave girl, aren't you?" I said trying to lift her spirit. She giggled and I sighed in relief looking back at her wound.

The blood had already started to dry up. It wasn't a big rash, just a scratch really, but what led the tears was not the pain but the panic of the moment.

I looked back at her face and she too seemed to be staring at her knees.

"You know how they'd treat your wounds with magic?"


"Well they'd fly you to the doctor and then he'd wave his wand and all your pain would go away." I said easily distracting her.

"Would their wands have stars at the end?"


"Stars. Like the ones they show on TV. They sparkle when you wave them. And sprinkle a lot of pink glitter." She said excitedly.

"Well, wouldn't it be hard to hid them then. People would easily find out that they know magic, wouldn't they? I think they would look like normal twigs. The ones without the glitter, you know."

"It would still be odd to see someone holding a stick in their hands."

"Yeah, maybe they hid it in their pockets and then take them out when they have to fight the giant dragons."

"Dragons aren't real." She said with a chuckle. "Wouldn't we have seen one by now if something that big was to fly around."

I rolled my eyes at her tone and stuck my tongue out at her.

"You're weird." She said her laughs echoing our little corner.

My gaze turned back to her knees and surprisingly, her wounds seemed to have disappeared as if they had never occurred.

She too looked curiously at what had gotten me so shocked and gasped.

"Wasn't I bleeding?" She said and I shook my head getting myself out of the trance.

"No, you had just gotten a leaf stuck." I said picking up a reddened leaf near her face, to get my point across. It wasn't my best attempt at lying but I was literally dealing with a child.

She laughed again and got up looking at her legs and with a bright smile, leaned closer to my face.

"Thank you for healing me. I won't tell anyone. Pinky promise!!" She whispered and was about to run away when I held her wrist. Not so dumb child I suppose.

"I'm y/n. Could you tell me your name?"

"Yeah! I'm Laurie."


And that's how weird that day had passed. I didn't even have any idea that Laurie was in the same orphanage as Tom Riddle.

I guess it is not the best thing to brag about, but I had not been expecting to see her here.

Guess who was going to be explaining themselves when I  went back.

What happened was totally unexpected but somehow it wasn't even the highlight of my day.



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