Christmas break!

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"you're late." he said looking all smug and I sighed.

"I know I got caught up with something and lost the track of time." I said trying not to look much nervous.

"oh yeah, well then maybe you should just stay with that something and leave us alone." Malfoy said roughly and I rolled my eyes. Seriously, who did he think he was.

"it's alright, Lucius. Apparently, Miss L/n has a life out of the club too." Riddle said before turning to me.

"well then, Y/n. I don't really expect much from you but I hope you at least know this was the last meeting before Christmas that we have." he said I just nodded not really knowing where he was going with it.

"so, Severus can tell you what you missed." he said just walking past me Lucius following after him but not before giving me a glare.

'what was that about?' I think as Severus starts talking about what I missed during this meeting.

Riddle is acting strange. He didn't use this chance to get me out of the club. Something is not right.



I rushed over to the library, holding on to the books I borrowed. Right at the entrance stood Severus and we quickly exchanged books before we parted ways.

Riddle had decided to make my Christmas break worse than it could ever be. We had to study all the books we could find on the history of spells so he could quiz us after the break.

I had already been humiliated enough by his snarky remarks and I had no idea about the history of spells so here I was borrowing books from the library and from Severus.

I literally hated this so much. I walked in the library and settled down placing the books in front of me getting ready to read them all at once.

But the silence didn't last long and soon enough I heard footsteps walking towards my table.


"and?" James said and I sighed.

"well, maybe stop being so egoistical and be kind to people. Self confidence is nice, but being a dick to others is not a good thing." I said flipping through another book and grumbling at the large stack still left in front of me.

"Its easy. I can be kind to others." he said humming and I turned to look at him.

"And to Severus?" I asked.

"He doesn't deserve my kind." James said and I rolled my eyes.

"What are you even doing here James? Have you got no one else to bother?" I sighed.

"Not really. Remus is sleeping, Sirius is in detention and Peter is god knows where."

"Remus is sleeping? Its still evening. Is he alright?"

"You didn't even ask about Sirius." James sighed. "well, Remus is fine. He actually just ate the jinxed candies we made for Christmas."

"that put people to sleep? What have your pranks come to." I said remembering how me and the twins literally prayed the creators of the marauders map.

"who are you to judge our pranks? I'm quite sure you've never even done one prank in the entirety of your existence." he said and I smiled.

"yeah sure, whatever. Why don't you go look for someone else to entertain you? I already have enough shit to bother me." I said and he hummed finally getting up.

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