feeling lucky!!

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I rushed back to my dorm, as quickly as I could, which was really not that quick, considering it was time for lunch and the students were crowding the hallways.

By the time I reached my dorm, it was empty again, leaving me in solitude with my bag.

I scrambled through it, throwing out my notebooks and papers, looking for the small vial.

I could feel my heartbeat in my ears as I went whole arm in the bag to search in its nook and cranny.

I finally released a breath when my hand grasped around the vial.

Felix felicis.

Liquid luck.




The vial was a little empty from the time Sev used it to give me the rest but it could still be used 2-3 times if taken in small sips.

I could really use some help right now, but what did I truly want?

I sighed staring at the golden drink.


Huh, what could go wrong?

I downed a few drops of the potion, closing my eyes at the relaxing feeling.

My brain felt blank before a sudden jolt of energy passed through my body and I stood up.

I need to get to lunch.

Quickly I stuffed the vial back in the satchel, crossing it over my chest as I made my way out of the dorm.

I walked through the halls, skipping towards the courtyard, easily making my way towards the great hall.

But before I could walk further, I noticed Riddle excusing himself through the crowds.

I smiled and walked over to him, jogging to keep up with him.


He looked at me and stopped giving me a one over.

"You're out of the hospital wing?"

"Yeah, I was going to get lunch. You're on your way too?"

I said, swinging my arms around a bit, feeling lighter than usual.


"Where are you going then?" I asked, but before he could answer, someone pushed me forward, making me trip onto him.

A loud, 'sorry' was heard and I tilted my head to look at Tom who looked unamused at the passing crowd.

"Let's get somewhere more quiet." He murmured, grabbing my hand to make our way to the courtyard.

"So," I tried to continue the conversation, matching his steps, "where were you going?"

He turned around to look at me and then turned back remaining quiet before he talked again.

"I am only telling you this because I know you are as worried about Hogwarts as I am. I might have an idea on who could be the heir of Slytherin." He whispered lightly letting go of my hand as we reached a much secluded area.

"Oh, really? Did you tell anyone about it?"

"No, but I think I might be able to catch him red handed."

"Who is it?" I frowned at his irritated expression.

He sighed staring at me before clicking his tongue.

"I should tell you, just in case I need an alibi later." He murmured, "His name is Hagrid, he is a fourth year student in Gryffindor."

"The half giant?" I wondered out loud.

"Yes, he has a strange infatuation with all kinds of creatures, I am certain he is risking the entirety of Hogwarts, because of his attraction to those beasts."

"Do you really believe that? I mean he seems like a pretty nice fellow. Not that I know him personally. But still."

He stared at me longer and rolled his eyes.

"Are you sure you should be out of the hospital wing? You don't seem in your right mind."

"I'm a little dizzy, I think." I said, swinging my arms back and forth and he looked back at the now empty hallways.

"Lunch is almost over, do you want me to accompany you back to Madam Pomfrey?" He asked in a stoic tone and I shrugged.

"Yeah, sure, I guess." I smiled at him and pointed towards the crowd.

He rolled his eyes and began walking, not even looking around to see if I was following him.

"What about Hagrid?" I asked making him huff.

"I probably missed him anyway, he was not at lunch so I assumed he was out meeting the creature. I'll get him by dinner, though." He said determinedly and I nodded.

The students returning from lunch wandered in big groups, gossiping and muttering among each other.

As we got closer to the stairs, the crowd got thick enough to be hard to navigate through and I lost track of Riddle, walking towards a random hallway.

I felt strangely allured towards the almost empty hallway, as my feet made their way towards their destination.

A few turns and I found myself walking towards a dead end with a singular open broom closet.

As I approached it, I felt the haze in my mind clear and slowed down, noticing my surroundings.

The potion was wearing off.

Did I not drink enough of it?

Just when I started to make sense of the situation, a head popped out of the closet, scanning the surroundings and abruptly closing the door, when he noticed me.

Hagrid! The potion led me straight to him.

I noticed his startled face and tried to give him a smile.


I just left Riddle back there. He could come looking for me and then this would all be for nothing.

I didn't have time to spare.

"Hagrid! You are in danger."



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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