The Half-Blood Prince

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"Merlin’s Beard! It’s perfect. So perfect I daresay one sip would kill us all! Congratulations, Severus. Of course I had expected nothing but the best from you." He said ushering Sev to the front of the class.

Some people started murmuring about him being unfair and I rolled my eyes at their antics.

Only if they knew they were actually talking about the next potions professor of Hogwarts.

"Here you are then, as promised. One bottle of Felix Felicis. Use it well." He said urging the crowd to put their hands together for him.

And though Severus seemed embarassed by the attention, I clapped loudly at his achievement.

Professor let Severus go back to his station and addressed the class regarding the homework assignment.

Even so we'd spent our time making the Draught of Living Death, the parchment we were to write was about Felix Felicis and it's history.

After making sure that all the students had cleared their work places, he gestured everyone to leave the class.

The students moved out of the classroom, some complimenting Severus offhandedly. I looked at him, only to notice his movements looking a little sluggish.

Yeah, extreme heat can do that to you. Maybe some fresh air would do him good.

I quickly picked my robe and satchel, putting my hair up and made my way to Severus.

"Congratulations, Sev. You really outdid yourself, huh?" I said as we both moved out of the classroom.

"No, it was nothing."

"It wasn't nothing, you heard what Slughorn said. No one has managed to make the potion so good in all of his teaching. And he's had some great students in the slug club." I reminded him.

It wasn't really a secret that Slughorn prided himself on his students achievements and this definitely was a very big thing if his excitement was anything to go by.

"Yeah, thanks." He said back.

He still looked a little out of it. I debated taking him to the hospital wing to get him checked out, just in case he was actually sick, but decided against it.

He was probably still embarassed.

"You're welcome, anyways, where are you going after here?"

"We have a free period so I'll probably get my charms assignment done." He replied.

"Oh, good that. You could help me with mine later, then? I want to freshen up a bit, with the scorching heat in there, but I do have to-"

"Umm, I'm sorry for interrupting you, but I wanted to talk to you about something." He said and I looked at him properly.

Though he looked fine, there was a far off look in his eyes and a little jump in his steps, as if he had just gotten high on caffeine.

The hallway we'd ended up at was short and had just a few people walking by every now and then.

"Yes? Did something happen?" I questioned turning my attention to him.

"No, it's not that. It's just, well, I don't want it."

"Don't want what?" I was positively confused now. Were we talking about wanting something? What did he not want?

"The potion. I don't have any use for it."

I nodded and shrugged, not knowing what he wanted me to say.

"I mean, you can keep it for now. You may find a use later on."

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