The Marauders

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The marauders were not the best people to mess with. And it could mean a lot of trouble. I had to stop them from getting to Severus but now it meant I could be their new victim. The thought made me nervous but excited.

At last some drama in my boring life.


Your pov:

Today was Sunday. After the encounter with Marauders yesterday and before my detention with Potter and Black tomorrow, I decided to give myself a break.

So here I was, sitting under the tree near black lake, completing my transfiguration essay and reading my potion textbook in peace, or so I thought.

Soon I was done with my essay and decided to borrow some other book from library to read. I picked up all my books and started walking, but suddenly my books and parchment flew out of my hands and fell into the black lake. I ran near the edge to see them sinking deep inside and the papers tearing apart.

I stood up and looked in front of me to see the Marauders. Of course! They had to get their revenge by drowning my homework.

I looked at them. All four of them were standing there. Remus and Peter were standing at the back, their wands pointing at the ground, while James and Sirius had theirs pointing towards me.

I took out my wand and pointed it towards them and James laughed.

"scared now, l/n" he said as Sirius chuckled alongside him.

I just looked at them four for a while before putting my wand back in my robe pocket. They really don't know what they are getting themselves into.

I walked in front of them standing just in front of James wand. He looked at me weirdly as if I had chosen death. I gave him a creepy smirk before I started talking.

"isn't it quite obvious who is scared, Potter? I mean look at you standing here with three of your goons, just to pick on a "weak Slytherin girl". Were you too scared to come alone, hmm? Its even a surprise you actually came out of your room. I mean, come on, you lost to a Slytherin. How are you even able to show your face around your common room? And even when you're here, to probably show me what you can do, you have to bring your friends to make sure you don't get your ass beaten again. Come on, Potter when will you learn to fight fair? Where did all the bravery go? Or did you dump it in the black lake too?"

James still stared at me. My smirk never leaving my face but his frown grew as he pondered over my words. His wand automatically lowered.

"shut up you-"

"and Sirius Black." I said as I turned towards the new voice standing up for his friend. "You know when I heard a Black got put in gryffindor, I really thought you were gonna be different from your parents, from that lot. At least in terms of your attitude. I thought you were going to be the revolutionary fighting for the truth. But look at you, standing here bullying the ones that you think are weaker than you. And still you have enough pride to call yourself a gryffindor. But I can't actually blame you can I? It's just in the black blood I suppose. The thirst to feel superior. To trample over others just for your own selfish good. Really thought the house, the environment, the friends would change you but look, one petty insect rots the whole garden. Won't your parents be proud, Black?"

He also looked at the ground and I turned to Pettigrew. I wanted to end it all then and there but I knew they had to know what they where doing was wrong and if no one was willing to tell them, I would.

"Peter Pettigrew, isn't it? The little pet of the group."

Before I could continue, James stepped in between me and Peter. His wand now pointed at my neck.

"shut up before its too late." he says as I can see Peter stumbling a bit back. To say I was scared would be an understatement. But still the harm was done and I was not going to do anything now. So I just lower his wand a bit completely ignoring him as I turn back to Peter.

"now the pet can't even speak for himself? You know, Pettigrew, I have always seen you walking around these three. Walking behind them, hiding in their shadows. Have you ever wondered if one of us got you alone, how bad that could turn out for you? I mean your friends wouldn't always be there to protect you, would they? I know you don't want to do this because you can see yourself in their places. Scared, embarrassed, humiliated. You are not the most confident social person, but just because you are friends with them doesn't mean you are supposed to abide by everything they do. You need to stand up for your self or you'll just end up being the little sidekick."

Then I turned to the last person standing there. Remus Lupin. He had already kept his wand in and found the ground far more interesting then anything in the world. When I walked in front of him he glanced at me once before fixing his gaze again on the ground.

"Remus Lupin, the great prefect, McGonagall's favorite student. Aren't you the smart one? Don't you know that what you're doing right now can affect a person for their life. I could even forgive these three. They are naive, they don't understand what they are doing. But you, you know everything. For them it's a sort of game, for respect, love, reputation. But you after understanding everything they do still don't stand up against them. You are no real friend if you don't tell them what is right or wrong."

"you just don't stand up to them because they are your friends right? You know what, a great man once said, 'it takes a lot of courage to stand up to your enemies, but a whole lot more to stand up to your friends.' "

I then move a few steps back so I can see all four of them, either glaring at me or looking down from embarrassment.

"that's what you are right. The famous marauders, just a bunch of insecure teens? Are you four even supposed to be in gryffindor? The house stands for bravery and courage, not for stupidity and superiority." I say as a dry chuckle escape my lips. I walk past them towards the castle.

A great break for me. What was I expecting. *sigh* I just got myself more deeper into the swamp. Its going bad already and I hadn't even had a chance to have a proper conversation with Riddle.

Guess it's just a fucked up plan for me.

A/n: thank you for reading my story.

Thank you DipikaHalder603 and hunter_of_one_piece for votes and comments.

It is a little bad but it is going to get good. All suggestions are welcome, also do tell if you want me to change the way I portray my story. Next part will be coming soon.
Hope you enjoyed it.

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