Why me?

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Previously :

I go and sit at one of the couches near fireplace. I hear footsteps and turn around.

"Good morning professor Dumbledore."
"Good morning miss l/n."


As he walked in I got up to greet him. He motioned both me and professor McGonagall to sit in the chair in front of his desk.

"So Y/n, do you have any idea why you're called here?" he asked as he looked at me through his glasses.

"Well yeah, I could think of some reasons." I said sheepishly.

"Oh really, pray tell." he said as his eyes filled with curiosity. I turned to look at professor McGonagall who was also sitting next to us, but she just kept looking at the wall with a blank face.

I looked at professor Dumbledore and replied, " At first I thought it was because of my wonderful pranks, which were hilarious by the way, that you wanted to expel me. But on second thought, you were quite impressed. So I think it is about the time I tried to hex Malfoy and his father heard about it and want me expelled, but please listen me out, it was a dare from those stinking twins and you know I can't back up when they test my pranking skills." I said as professor McGonagall just looked at me dumbfounded. Guess she didn't know about all that hexing Malfoy thingy.

"Well you are not getting expelled anytime soon. Any other guesses." He said as if he just wanted me to tell him about all my pranks last year.

"Yeah! I thought maybe you and Minnie here got in a fight over a silly bet you might have placed on a new couple and wanted me to dissolve it?" I said as I maintained my eye contact with professor Dumbledore as if to read his mind or just an easy excuse to not look at professor McGonagall 'cause as she hated it when I called her Minnie and it was usually when she was being too annoying for my own good.

His eyes sparkled at my words as he said "Well we did had a fight about it, you may have read in the letter-"

I interrupted him by saying a loud "Yesssss" and fist-bumping the air.


I sat again in a comfortable posture as McGonagall gave me a stern look.

"Tell her already, Albus." she said and I knew professor Dumbledore was disappointed as he liked a good surprise.

"Alright Y/n. We are going to talk about something important right now. You need to promise me, even if you decline our offer any information of this meeting should not leave this room. Ok?"

I looked at him then back at Minnie and at him again. " Alriiiiigght." I say as I looked at him suspiciously.

"So Y/n, I hope you know about Tom riddle?"

"Yes sir, not much though. "
"Tell me what you know"

"He studied at Hogwarts, he was a Slytherin, he was an orphan and was born by a love potion, he became dark lord, made an army of death eaters, killed many innocents and lost his power due to Harry Potter. Some say he is still out their while others believe he is dead. Oh and also he is the heir of Slytherin and he caused all the ruckus last year. " I say as I tried to think of all the things I knew about him.

"Well you know quite a lot. So Y/n as you said he studied at Hogwarts not much long ago and also was born by a love potion. You already know the threats that he has caused and may even cause in the future. He is dangerous but he was not always like that. He was born by love potion, he  never had any emotions and was changed by everything that occurred in his life. But now that we think of it, he could have been changed, if only he could find trust in someone, strong enough to stop hiding his emotions and open up. And so after a lot of thinking, we choose you to help us in that."

"Only by your choice dear." professor McGonagall said.

"I... I want to ask you something."

"Yes? "

"Why me? Why not anyone else? I know people you can always trust and relay on at times like this. So why me right now? Why not others like Hermione?" I said, I was not afraid or angry for them choosing me. I just wanted to confirm I was the best choice for such an important job.

"Well, we thought about it. Firstly, because we couldn't find anyone as amazing and ready to go like you. And also, Hermione is, don't tell her, a bit too academically inclined. She is smart but calm and decisive. We need someone who takes most of their time on the work rather than making a plan. Someone who can go with the flow. Tom has had a lot of smart girls from that era too. Lily, Molly and many others. He would not find her any interesting."

"Ginny then, she knows how to gain attention, impress people and she would be famous in the whole school in no time." I said chuckling imagining Ginny shouting at some poor gryffindor chaser to play properly.

"Well that was considered an option as well. But you see Tom was a mysterious person. Even those who he called friend didn't knew anything about his life. He would maintain his distance from someone so well-known just to save his plan from being spread. Also she can be a little open-minded, you know she is used to speak her thoughts out loud and we won't want her to get on his bad side now do we." he replied.

"Cho then? She's kind, smart, shy, quiet and can keep her feelings to herself." I recommended.

"Yes, she is good for the job too, but she can't be annoying can she. Tom was quite a gentle man, he never had lack of beautiful girls trying to befriend him. If he sees nothing extraordinary in her, she would be of no use to him. Also, we want a Slytherin so the person can keep a watch on him without being suspicious. "

"Well if you are looking for an annoying Slytherin, I would recommend Pansy. She is fit for the job. " I said not clearly paying attention to the fact that he just called me annoying.

"She can be a bit too much. If she doesn't know when to back up she can get killed." McGonagall replied.

Professor Dumbledore looked at me and said, " We need someone like you Y/n, smart, arrogant, cunning, annoying, sarcastic, a quick decision maker, and a perfect liar. Someone who can make stories up and is good at maintaining a fake personality. Who can gain trust and still appear mysterious and interesting. Who can fight back without a second thought and cares for her loved ones." he smiled.

"Well that's the most....... relatable compliment someone has ever given me." I said as I smirked.

"When do I leave?"

A/n: it's quite a long chapter. Just didn't wanted to break it up. Hope you enjoy. Vote, comment and share.


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